
11 July 2011

Moral support

Good morning all,

So over the next few weeks, I am going to be there for my girl to offer moral support , by following a strict diet with her.

It means drinking 2 shakes, 2 fruits, I main evening meal and lots of water and tea every day!

For all that knows me, dieting is something I don't do as I have a weakness for food, especially chicken..... I am not trying to kid anyone, its just the way it is......

So the next few weeks will be challenging.

On the other hand, if you know me, you will also know that once I make a decision my will power to follow it through is second to none:)

So I will be giving regular / daily up dates on how I feel and what I am eating and weekly weigh ins.

My friend has to do it for 4 weeks, however as its such a drastic drop in calorie intake for me, I am unsure if I can last the 4 weeks so I will try for 2 and see how it goes.

Follow along if you are up for it.


" The Travel Queen"
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