
13 July 2011

Day 3

Good morning all,

My body hates me.....

Oh my goodness, it talks to me it secretes smells and I feel tired all the time.

I find that as I am busy at work, I tend not to notice how hungry I am until I am travelling home.......

Then its on, my stomach growls on the bus in full stereo with baseline :)

So another trick I am learning is that I need sugar is to have 1 biscuit late afternoon that kinda helps me through the afternoon.

Below is my food intake for day 2

1 x weetabix
2 x slices of toast with a scrape of butter
1x banana
1 x slim fast shake
3 x rice cakes
1 x custard cream
1 x salmon with small portion of mac and cheese and salad
3 x raison slices
2 x slices of toast with a scrape of butter
1x pear and green tea
Crystalized ginger

Today day 3 will be a hard day as my body is fighting back, if I can get through today I know I can do this :)

Wish me luck!

" The Travel Queen"
+44 (0) 7946 192 517
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and working together is success."

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