
31 August 2010

Three days to go !

Hey peeps ,


Yes the time is almost here , in 3 days I will be leaving in a jet plane :) to Las Vegas !

In this case I know when I will be back and where I am going afterwards.

I am finally hitting that wonderful age of 40, now most women cringe at the mere mention of their age, but I embrace it, I don't look my age or the same as some of my peers of the same age......

I live my life without the thought of what age can do to me, as I find the more that I think about it the older I look.

So ladies, whether you are, 30, 35, 40, 45 or 50, or any in betweens, live life to the fullest, don't worry about what YOU should look like for your age, after all its just a number :)

Until da next Tyme!

28 August 2010


Hey y'all

What's good! Its been a few days - but with packing and preparing for my trip, my social calendar has shot through the roof.

The good times spent with friends are always worthy however.

Recently my girls and I had a girlie afternoon, playing hookie from work, going to the spa, catching up with the man talk,supporting each other with career advise etc, and helping to fulfill an individual life long dream

I realise how truly blessed I am with the grown ups and generous of spirit that I am surrounded by.

As we get older we wish to emulate our peers, my girlfriends are all strong, independent women, who have not lost their femininity or individuality in todays society - who are real women secure within themselves without the drama that other women seem to surround themselves in.

We all need good friends! And finding women that can be in that circle of trust, can sometimes be very hard, but when you do find them, they are priceless :)

Until da next Tyme !

" The Travel Queen"

24 August 2010

Pampering Yoga Retreat.....

What's good people!

A while ago I let you all into a secret.....  I shared with you the details  about  one of my pampering spot that I had discovered on my travels.

Well the time is near again, and its worth another mention, as its now been discovered, by some of the elite people in the entertainment business.

However I know that all of you are stars and therefore should be afforded the same treatment as any celebrity, so with that in my mind, let me share with you, my little paradise in the Balearic island.

Welcome to Aztaro ! The yoga retreat for mind body, and soul with something more unique than other retreats!

I was introduced to this heaven on earth last year , and it has touched me in many ways, not least of all the tranquil feeling that is washed over you as soon as you step on the grounds, orange orchard, luxury spa facilities, this is pampering at its best.

I will be heading there for a retreat in October ( click on the word retreat for more details)  and I think there are still a few places left, so check in now to avoid disappointment, this is something you don't want to miss.

I hope to see you all there !

Until da next Tyme!

23 August 2010

The Travel Queen is Back ........

Hey peeps,

Happy Monday !

So its been a few days since I hit you all up so I wanted catch up with you all to see what's Poppin?

Hope that you all had a great weekend, I am getting REALLY excited as I am heading to Vegas for a week to celebrate my Birthday and I am soooo looking forward to that!.

YES I am back in travel Mode! 

I have been good all year , but in the next 3 months I am  gonna be making up for lost time but I will keep you all posted.

Las Vegas is first in the Agenda ,  returning to touch down in Ibiza for a few days, followed by a weekend in Dubai to check out the joint, then heading to my second home in Texas for a good chin wag with my girl.......

I am suppose to fit in Milan in there somewhere, but not sure if it will happen.

Stay tuned for the pictures and updates.

Until da next Tyme !

18 August 2010

Unusual Pets

Whassup y'all,

There I am getting ready and on the news there is some chick in Melbourne that has an ALLIGATOR as a pet!!!!

Ok seriously now!, along with the snakes and the cats, she has 3 of them and takes the biggest one for a walk !!!!

The youngest one occupies her bathroom, but then the second oldest occupies his own room in the garage, and almost took her arm off when she tried to feed him! WTF???

There is some lines you just don't cross, and this is just one of them !

Until da next Tyme !

" The Travel Queen"

14 August 2010

Daily Horoscopes

Dear all,

I hope that you all have a great weekend, just to inform you that I will no longer be delivering the daily horoscope to you all during the week, but I will be send you all daily words of encouragement!

Until da next Tyme!

13 August 2010

Friday 13th

Hey y'all.

Its ya girl Missy, happy Friday!

Yes today is Friday 13th and around the world millions of people are being extremely cautious with the normal superstitions / folklore, old wives tale assigned to this day

  • Not walking under ladders
  • not letting a black cat walk in front of you 
the list goes on .....

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Happy Friday !

"The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." This old saying probably applies to you today where household chores are concerned. You may start the day with good intentions, planning to get everything possible done around the house. 

Still, you may be too drained from yesterday's rush of activity and incapable of doing much besides recovering. Relax! It's OK! The chores have waited this long, they can wait a little longer!

Until da next Tyme!

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Happy Friday peeps,

Money worries that could well be groundless could have you in a gloomy mood today. Has money you've got coming to you been delayed? Are you afraid that a certain necessary purchase may be beyond your means? 

Don't blow this all out of proportion. It's probably nothing you can't handle with a little effort. Instead of obsessing over the situation, try to consider it objectively. You'll probably find that all is not quite as black as it seems.

Until da next Tyme!

Leo Daily Horoscope

Happy Friday Y'all,

This is bound to be a busy day for you, but the rewards will be well worth the intense effort you put forth today. It is likely that you will spend much of the day mired in paperwork and forms of all types. It is not your idea of a good time, nevertheless it must be done. 

At day's end you can at least have the satisfaction of knowing that you did what was expected of you, and carried out the task with a high level of skill. From an employer's point of view, you are quite a catch

Until da next Tyme !

12 August 2010

Celebrities First Jobs!

Whassup Peeps,

One of my readers hooked me up with this site that I wanted to share with you all.

Celebrities are just normal people and they all had to start some where before they became  infamous with the status that they are now known for :) 

50 funniest Celebrities first jobs

I can happily say that like most of them i did my time at MacDonald's too :) 

Until da next Tyme!

Cross Dressing

Hey y'all

So following with the theme, today's topic is Cross Dressing ....

Yes men are renowned for it and some of us even turn up our noses if we discover someone that we know who indulges in it.Cross-dressing, documented throughout history around the globe, is a well-known erotic activity. Done occasionally for fun or variety, it’s an offbeat variation. Some men do it alone; some couples play with it together.

But some men can’t get excited without cross-dressing; others can get excited, but don’t feel really satisfied unless it’s part of sex. That’s when therapists describe it as a fetish. A fetish is an eroticised object (or, depending on your point of view, body part) whose use is crucial to a person’s sexual function. Unlike a vibrator, which is valued because it provides direct physical stimulation, a fetish provides psychological stimulation.

Often, just the sight of a fetish object - say a muddy shoe - provides the erotic jolt. If the fetishised object does provide physical stimulation - say, using a glove to stroke the penis - the physical stroking may be enjoyable, but the identical stroking from, say, a napkin won’t provide nearly the same charge. For the fetishist, in a sense, the idea of being stroked by a glove is more important than the feeling of being stroked by a glove.

Until da next Tyme !

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

hey Peeps,

You may feel yourself slipping into a deeper understanding with a close friend or loved one. Romantic situations are heating up, and you are slowly allowing your inhibitions to fade away so that they are completely absent from the picture. 

You are realizing the exuberance and excitement that comes when you come out from your hiding place and let your playful spirit charm the world. Put serious subject matters aside and make time and mental space to have fun and be more social.

Until da next Tyme!

Virgo Daily Horoscope

hey peeps,

Have fun with your loved ones. Put your worries aside. Don't think of all the possible negative consequences of taking this day to have a good time. Focus on the good things: the fun you are having, and the excitement of the moment. 

You have the ability to create fantastically strong bonds between you and your romantic partner. Love is in your favor, so act with confidence. There is no reason to feel bad about yourself or insecure in any way. Hold your head high.

Until da next Tyme!

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps, 

You shouldn't have any problem having your way in most areas of your life. The time is ripe for you to take the lead. Unfortunately, however, there may be one important part of your life that's not going exactly the way you want, and this is in your world of love and romance. 

It is likely that you will run into a tremendously stubborn attitude that you can't seem to break through - it could be your own.

Until da next Tyme!

11 August 2010

The Infamous G Spot .....

Hey y'all,

So as your girl is kinda straight talking, I am about to discuss a topic that many of my female readers will appreciate and the male will gringe ( as they think they know it all already) 
Education one on one. blokes pay attention now and stay with me .......its gonna get graphic :) 

The much-maligned Missionary Position can lead to powerful orgasms for women, as long as the right pressure is applied. To get it right you need to know where the famous G-spot is and how to make it happy. Here’s how.

I  realise all you blokes know where the female G-spot is. But here’s a reminder, just to be sure. Start with the appropriate amount of necking. Once she’s aroused, insert one or two fingers into your partner’s vagina, with the palm of your hand on her pubic mound., guys this is a patient exercise, not a race !!!

Just inside the vagina you should be able to feel a coin-sized lump beneath your fingertips. It feels spongy, or a bit like a walnut and it's rich in nerve endings. Stroke it gently but firmly and you might feel it swell. This move should also generate an enthusiastic response from your partner.

Focus your moves 
She might like you to give her an orgasm in this way, or she might prefer to have you inside her. To continue the G-spot stimulation, you can try what’s called the Realignment Technique. Lie flat and slide up toward her head. Encourage her to vary the angle of her legs and torso to where she feels the most sensation.

Remember that not everyone’s vagina runs into the body at the same angle, so experiment with different positions until you find one that well, hits the spot.

You can enter her vagina from behind, with her either kneeling or lying on the bed. She can also lie with her buttocks on the edge of the bed and her legs on your shoulders while you stand or kneel beside the bed. This will ensure that your penis is at an upward angle, maximizing contact with the G-spot.

In this position you’d be better off concentrating on rhythmic, firm pressure, rather than thrusting as though you’re in a rodeo. Having said that, if you’re hitting the right spot you might have to hold on once she starts to enjoy it.

Remember that you should only go for sexual gymnastics of any sort if you’re both confident and relaxed with them. It’s not something that you’re accomplishing, but something that you both share. That’s the best way to ensure the sound-effects that’ll rattle the rafters and have the neighbours talking.

Until da next Tyme !

Dating Sites...#5

Hi there all,

Just touching base with you all on the latest installment on dating sites.

So you have gone through all the initial stages, the introduction, the call, the scenario of where they are with their work etc.

So we are now coming up to the final play this is  where they feel that they have been talking to you for a while , and they feel that they have made you a companion/ friend. 

So as scammers they are setting the final play, now this can come in any kind of scenario, so be on the lookout.

The most common one will be a sick mum, relative or whatever, if they are working abroad , it could be that the company that they are working for has issues ( financial) and they need their help so they are trying to assist.

Whatever the play is ladies..... avoid it, if these men are serious about a relationship and they are true men, they will never ask you for money...its simples !

The first sign that your instincts tell you something is wrong ...listen to it and expose their a**!!

If you cant do it let me know and I am more than happy to accommodate 

Until da next Tyme !

Do's & Don'ts for Lower Blood Pressure !

Hey what's up all,

While you can't do anything to  your genes or age, you can change your future with a few heart-friendly lifestyle choices. All it takes is a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle to help lower your blood pressure.

Start by trying to incorporate these do's and don'ts. Be sure to always work with your doctor to help control your blood pressure, and to take medications that have been prescribed to you.
Blood Pressure Do's
  • DO reduce your sodium intake. Too much sodium can increase your blood pressure. Ideally, you should consume less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day.
  • DO eat more potassium-rich foods. Potassium helps regulate body fluids and blood pressure. Most adults need 4,700 milligrams each day, but people with hypertension should try to consume even more--up to 6,000 milligrams daily.
  • DO eat more calcium-rich foods. Some research shows that calcium deficiencies can increase blood pressure. Aim for at least 1,200 milligrams each day.
  • DO track your magnesium intake. This mineral helps control blood pressure. Women need over 320 milligrams each day, while men need more--over 420 milligrams.
  • DO eat more nutrient-rich, whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, beans and legumes, lean meats and low-fat dairy products.
Blood Pressure Don'ts
  • DON'T smoke. It increases your blood pressure and damages your heart.
  • DON'T make exercise excuses. Increases in overall physical activity, even in small bouts, will help you improve your numbers.
DON'T forget to your numbers. Healthy individuals should get their blood pressure tested at least once every two years, but people with hypertension should do this more frequently. Continue to visit your health care provider for regular check-ups and medical advice.

Until da next Tyme !

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps 

Have fun with your loved ones. Put your worries aside. Don't think of all the possible negative consequences of taking this day to have a good time. Focus on the good things: the fun you are having, and the excitement of the moment. 

You have the ability to create fantastically strong bonds between you and your romantic partner. Love is in your favor, so act with confidence. There is no reason to feel bad about yourself or insecure in any way. Hold your head high

Until da next Tyme!

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

hello peeps 

You may feel yourself slipping into a deeper understanding with a close friend or loved one. Romantic situations are heating up, and you are slowly allowing your inhibitions to fade away so that they are completely absent from the picture. 

You are realizing the exuberance and excitement that comes when you come out from your hiding place and let your playful spirit charm the world. Put serious subject matters aside and make time and mental space to have fun and be more social.

Until da next Tyme!

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps,

You shouldn't have any problem having your way in most areas of your life. The time is ripe for you to take the lead. Unfortunately, however, there may be one important part of your life that's not going exactly the way you want, and this is in your world of love and romance. 

It is likely that you will run into a tremendously stubborn attitude that you can't seem to break through - it could be your own.

Until da next Tyme!

10 August 2010

Shakespeare says....

Hey peeps,

Its ya girl sharing thoughts with ya, this came to me from a friend and its worth sharing!
I pretty much live by these !

Shakespeare said: I always feel happy, You know why? Because I don't expect anything from anyone, Expectations always hurt.. Life is short.. So love your life.. Be happy.. Keep smiling.. And remember that there is someone who cares about you.

Live for yourself ;)

‎​Before you speak
Before you write
Before you spend
Before you pray
Before you hurt
Before you hate
Before you quit
Before you die

Until da next Tyme !

" The Travel Queen"

What is Fetishism ?

Hey Y'all

So the first topic is Fetishism . We all have our own idea of what is a fetish, and some of us might even sneer at the idea of what other people consider to be normal ... but with the society that we love in sexual  fetishism is becoming the norm .....

Fetishism is a paraphilia that focuses on the obsession of an object, and the sexual arousal that seeing or interacting with that object may bring. Some of the more common objects that become a fetish are women’s bras, underpants, shoes, stockings or other items of clothing. Once a fetish for an object has developed, it often becomes a chronic problem.

An individual with a fetish will often masturbate to orgasm while looking at, rubbing, holding or smelling the object, or may request a sexual partner to hold or wear the fetish object during sexual interaction.

In many cases, the fetish object is required by the individual in order to be aroused or to reach orgasm, and is categorised as one of the first symptoms of fetishism. Not having the object may result in a complete loss of sexual drive, and even erectile dysfunction in men.

The use of women’s clothing in cross-dressing, or the use of sex toys that have been designed for genital stimulation such as dildo’s are not regarded as symptoms of fetishism, even though they may play a big part in sexual arousal.

Some common fetish ranges from , spandex, feet, urine fetish  also knows as "golden Showers"

Whatever the fetish , it can become excessive, and like I always say.... don't knock it until you try it !
Until da next Tyme !

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps, 

Get yourself organized in the early morning hours, because as the day goes on, you are going to find that you are more and more scattered. If you start out with a solid plan about how you are going to tackle the tasks of the day, you are much more likely to accomplish everything you need to get done. 

If you don't remain strong and on-task, other people will take advantage of your generous, thoughtful nature, and you may end up doing more favors for others than you do for yourself.

Until da next Tyme!

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps 

Try not to box yourself into a corner in which you shut out everything around you except your most immediate concerns. You will find that the more you isolate yourself and insist that you don't need anyone else's help, the more frustrated and sad you will become. 

If you are lonely, scared, or angry, promptly admit this to yourself and others. Extend yourself outward instead of drawing further in.

Until da next Tyme!

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps

Be careful of opening your mouth in situations in which it simply isn't appropriate to do so. You may find that the conversation comes to a lull and you feel it is your duty to pipe up about something - anything. By doing so, you may launch the conversation onto a topic that is simply not called for. 

You may want to say something just so you can turn the focus on to you. The better choice is to simply allow the silence to sit peacefully.

Until da next Tyme !

9 August 2010

Fantasies, Fetishism and more !

Hey y'all,

Yep its ya girl Missy, once again  taking things to the boundary and talking about  subjects that people seem to hide/ talk behind close doors.

Sometimes not a bad idea, but I think it also needs to come out in the open.... transparency is a great thing.

So over the next few days I will be talking sexual fantasies, fetishism, alternative sexual practices etc.

Lets face it people , we all need and like sex.... if you don't , why are you lying ? and you must not be human, so lets be open and honest . 

Feel free to leave a comment when you have a point to share 

Unrtil da next Tyme !

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps,

This is not the night for you and your beloved to go out on the town and kick up your heels. You'll be so much into each other that you won't want stimulation from any other quarter - with the possible exception of a good bottle of wine! 

Intense love and a high degree of passion in both of you need an outlet. Spend a quiet evening at home and see where it takes you.

Until da next Tyme!

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps,

Do you have a secret admirer? You might not experience anything so dramatic as flowers accompanied by an anonymous card suddenly appearing on your desk, or unsigned love letters in the mail. However, you might have the feeling that someone is watching you carefully. 

Your intuition is high, and you just might wonder why you're feeling that so much sexual energy is being channeled your way. This could pass by tomorrow - but then maybe not! Make sure you look your best!

Until da next Tyme!

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps,

Give your ego a break. Don't worry so much about what others think. You are living this life for yourself, not for other people. Be real with your actions instead of always trying to treat things like a game that you need to be the star of. 

There is a time and place for having fun, but today is more like one of those times when you should get serious. Have a long conversation with someone who has been wanting to see that side of you.

Until da next Tyme!

6 August 2010

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps,

Misinformation should come your way in abundance today. Stories which you hear about others, especially people who live in distant states or foreign countries, are likely to be less than trustworthy, particularly when what you hear concerns someone's health.

Much of what you hear at this time is likely to be less than accurate. Try to ascertain the facts surrounding any gossip that comes your way before you accept it as truth.

Untikl da next Tyme!

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps ,

Money matters continue to go well for you, but today you might not be too sure about that. Some rather disconcerting news about the world economy might put you into a temporary panic over whether or not your good fortune is going to continue.

Don't fall into this trap. Probably what you're hearing is based on misinformation. Wait a day or two, then check out the facts. You'll probably be greatly relieved.

Until da next Tyme !

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps,

You could feel impulsive today. If you are involved with someone, you might do something extravagant. You could schedule a weekend getaway with your partner at a luxurious hotel. Or you might arrange to stay at a quaint country inn where the two of you can relax and have fun.

If you are single, you might want to ask someone out on a date. Even if you have just met someone, don't be afraid to extend an invitation for dinner.

Until da next Tyme !

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps,

Some vicious gossip about someone you care for could be circulating among your circle of friends. Trust your own instincts about this person, and don't be tempted to believe anything you hear.

In fact, whatever information comes your way today is likely to be suspect, because the facts are clouded and no one is too sure about them. Take any rumors that come your way with a grain of salt - if not the whole shaker.

Until da next Tyme!

5 August 2010

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes - Controllable Risk Factors

Hey Peeps,

Last week we talked about Diabetes 2, as a sufferer, I discussed with you the uncontrollable risks. Today lets talk about the controllable risks

Factors that you can control are related to your lifestyle--the choices you make each day about what to eat and whether or not to exercise. These are areas of your life where you can take control to prevent and manage type 2 diabetes, and enhance your overall health.

Controllable Risk Factors

Your weight. More than 80% of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. You can decrease your risk with each pound you lose, and dropping just 10% of your body weight can have major benefits. Follow the SparkDiet to reach your weight loss goal.

Your fat distribution. Carrying excess weight around your abdomen and waistline (known as the "apple" shape), greatly increases your risk of diabetes. Calculate your waist-to-hip ratio to find out how to improve it.

Your activity level. Physically inactive people are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Read Exercising with Diabetes and work out at least three times per week.

Your medications. Several medications, including antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs, can dramatically increase your diabetes risk. Talk to your doctor about alternative medications that don't have this effect.

Your diet. A diet high in diabetes-promoting foods (calories, sugar, saturated fat, cholesterol, trans fat) and low in healthy foods (healthy fats, fiber, whole grains, fruits and veggies), can contribute to your diabetes risk. Use the Nutrition Resource Center as a guide to healthy eating.

Your drinking habits. Heavy alcohol use damages the pancreas and can result in type 2 diabetes. But moderate drinking (less than one drink daily for women or two drinks for men) has a protective effect against diabetes.

Your smoking habits. Smokers are 50% to 90% more likely to develop diabetes than nonsmokers. Quit smoking to reduce your risk of serious health problems, including type 2 diabetes.

When you have existing health conditions, your risk of developing diabetes and complications is greater. Add high risk factors into the picture (like family history, age, and race) and your risk is compounded even more. The good thing is that you can work on the risk factors that you can change. When you improve your life by achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and regularly engaging in physical activity, you can reduce you risk of type 2 diabetes by about 58 percent.

Sagittarius daily Horoscope

Hey peeps,

You could be in a whimsical mood. You'll find it difficult to take anything very seriously. Your sense of humor will be on full display. You'll find yourself cracking silly jokes and making witty remarks.

You might even poke fun at your loved ones, provoking a response. Just don't be cruel with your comments. Sometimes you can make sharp observations about others that are only funny to you! Others can feel offended at critical remarks.

Until da Next Tyme !

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps,

You may find yourself caught in a crossfire of energies today, especially those involving your love and romantic life. It may be the case that some major change is necessary to remedy the current situation. You many not even be aware that there is a problem.

Use your detective-like nature to uncover the truth of the issue and nip it in the bud. Open yourself up to many possible solutions.

Until da next Tyme!

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps,

Things may be going a bit haywire in your romantic life today. A relationship might have recently become quite clouded and you may not be sure how to remedy the situation. The first step is acknowledging to yourself and the other person, or people, involved that there is indeed an issue.

If the problem keeps getting swept under the rug, the situation will soon manifest into something beyond your control. Your creative side is calling you to act.

Until da next Tyme!

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps,

You are making some positive changes and important connections for the better in certain areas of your life right now. Honor these transformations and realize the positive impact they are having on your life.

At the same time, however, it could be that some of these changes are causing disruptions in your romantic life. There may be power plays going on between you and a person, or group of people close to you. Build your confidence from the inside out and let up on the reins just a bit.

Until da Next Tyme !

4 August 2010

Causes of high Blood Pressure Controllable Factors

Hey peeps,

Last week, I told you all about causes of High blood pressure and the uncontrollable factors that we are unable to help with.

This week ,  we are discussing the factors that we can control !

Factors that you can control are related to your lifestyle--the choices you make each day about what to eat and whether or not to exercise. These are areas of your life where you can take control to improve your blood pressure and enhance your overall health.

Controllable Risk Factors

Your diet. A diet high in sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol, and low in fiber, whole foods, and minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium) can increase blood pressure. Eating a low-sodium, low-fat diet that is rich in whole foods and other nutrients can help.

Your activity level. Sedentary individuals have a higher risk for hypertension. Regular exercise can lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Your weight. Being obese (a Body Mass Index over 30) increases your risk of developing high blood pressure. Dropping just 10% of your body weight can have positive effects on blood pressure.

Your stress levels. Studies show that chronic stress (and "Type A" personality traits) can elevate blood pressure. Exercise, meditation, and yoga can help reduce and manage stress and blood pressure.

Your drinking habits. Moderate to heavy drinking (more than 1-2 drinks daily) can dramatically increase blood pressure and other health risks. Health experts recommend no more than one drink a day for women, and no more than two drinks per day for men.

Your smoking habits. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of heart disease, due to its effects on your arteries, heart, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Quitting can stop (and potentially reverse) a lot of the existing damage to your body, and improve your blood pressure.

When you have other existing health conditions, you are compounding your risk of serious complications and disease if you don't lower your blood pressure. Add high risk factors into the picture (family history, age, and race) and your risk is compounded even more. The good thing is that you can break that chain of progressive disease at any point by changing the lifestyle choices above.

Until da next Tyme !

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps,

A sudden shock might hit you today regarding money. This may relate to your personal finances, or it might involve business, but whichever it is you'll probably have to work hard to make ends meet, at least for now. 

Bear in mind, however, that this is a temporary situation. You aren't broke, and you'll manage whatever needs to be done. It's just having to do it that's a drag! Hang in there!

Until da next Tyme!

Haiti - Presidency

Hey peeps!

What's good this Wednesday morning?

I awoke to the news that Wyclef is considering running for President of Haiti, his country of birth !

Wow, good on him I hope red tape doesn't hinder.

One cannot fault this man's tenacity and love of his country.

So he may not be a politician, but he is not doing this for financial gain, as he has made his money elsewhere, but he seems to be doing it for the genuine love of his country!

I wish him luck! I just hope if this happens, he is not surrounded by power hungry sycophants!

Until da next Tyme !

" The Travel Queen"

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps ,

Equipment upon which you've come to depend on the job might be causing you a few problems today, and no one around you can figure out what to do. Chances are it's too complicated for anyone but a professional to fix. 

Swallow your pride, hang the money, and call a technician. That's the only way to spare yourself any further frustrations. While waiting, work on something else and try to relax.

Until da next Tyme!

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps, 

Your physical energy is likely to be very high at this time, as are your enthusiasm and optimism for the future. A chance to expand your horizons through travel or education, or both, might come your way, and your head could be spinning with ideas as to how to approach it. 

You might have to pare down your choices to those that appeal the most to you. Try to consider each one objectively before jumping in with both feet..

Until da next Tyme!

3 August 2010

Dating Sites...#4

Ok peeps,

I know that you have all been waited with bated breath , for the next instalment. so without further ado.

So you have signed up to the site and you are getting some hits, you have followed the rules and ask questions, but something doesn't seem right.

 A few of the following might happen: - 

  1. You are contacted by someone with the lyrics  that they love your profile and profess how they are looking for that wonderful relationship .... etc 
  2. They hit you up, but after 2 or 3 mails they send you their private details and ask you to contact them by their email - 9/10 times is a yahoo address  :) 
  3. If you chose to contact them that way, you may request a cam view so you know who you are talking to.
  4. This will be shielded with excuses , either the camera is broken or they don't have a camera on their machine... flag #1
  5. Whilst talking with them in the first email they send you, it will contain their life story  ....flag#2
  6. If you are abroad, be very aware when all of a sudden they are travelling to a nearby country of where you live .... flag #3
  7. You continue to ask them questions about their work , they seem evasive .....flag#4
  8. Within a week they will request your number so that they can call you
  9. They will call , but just to check the number is legit .... so humour them as this is part of the scam.
  10. You have added them to your messenger list, but they are always invisible, when queried, it because they only want to talk with you ... flag #5
Ladies, if a person is putting themselves out there on a dating website, they must have the right tools, pitiful excuses such as I  don't have a cam or its not working is BS, and as soon as you get that excuse , get out as it will only be  time waster !

Until da next Tyme!

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Hello Peeps ,

An old friend may suddenly come on like a potential love partner, which you could find a bit disconcerting, at least at first. This could come as a shock, but take a good look at the situation. What do you really think of this person? 

Could there be actual romantic potential here? Don't write it off without considering it carefully. You might discover a spark in yourself that's always lain dormant before.

Until da next Tyme!

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Hello Peeps,

If you're into writing,  this is the day to try your hand. Your imagination is operating at a high level, and intuitive insights could be coming to you thick and fast. At some point you might want to kick your ideas around with the people closest to you, which could lead to some interesting ideas. 

Whether your writing is technical, legal, or creative, you'll probably produce some excellent work today. Go for it

Until da next Tyme !

Diet Update

Hey there all,

Just touching base with you to give you an update on my progress!

So following my low carbs diet for 2 weeks, I lost  a total of 10 lbs, which I was happy with, but I feel like I have put it back on :) 

I have slowly started to integrate carbs back in my diet and increase my vegetable intake more.

Its amazing how much we rely on carbs to get us through the day.

So with one month to go before I head off to sunny Las Vegas, I will be heading to the gym and walking more to try and lose a further 10lbs in the next 4 weeks, so wish me luck :) 

Until da next Tyme ! 

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps, 

Love and desire for someone who lives far away, or who might be in the field of law, education, or travel, could prove overwhelming today. If the person does live at a distance, the impulse to drop everything and go pay your friend a visit might come over you. 

Go ahead and do this if it doesn't compromise other departments of your life. Your friend probably misses you and would be very glad to see you.

Until da next Tyme!

2 August 2010

Reasons you are in the wrong Job!

Hey peeps,

Most of us spend a significant proportion of our waking hours at work, so no one wants to be stuck in an uninspiring or stressful role. While even the most satisfied employee can have an off day, it may be heartening to know that 48% of Brits describe themselves as fulfilled at work and almost two thirds have had a job that they genuinely loved at some point in their lives. 
I am currently amongst that few , as I love my job .....
However, that still leaves over half the population who aren't happy with their professional situation.
It's unlikely that any job will be 100% perfect, but if you live for the weekends and then spend Sunday in dreaded anticipation of the coming week then now might be the time to look for a more rewarding position. The main consideration is whether your current level of dissatisfaction is the result of temporary circumstances -- either of a personal nature or within your organisation -- or a sign of deeper problems that can only be fixed by a fresh start in a new company.
If you're still unsure whether it's better to stay put or jump ship then the check list below might come in handy -- if you find yourself nodding in recognition of three or more of these points then it could be time for a change:
1) The 80-20 rule applies for all the wrong reasons
The 80-20 principle was introduced as an economic theory in the early 20th century and has since been applied to many areas of life, such as diet. Nowadays it's an effective way to assess professional satisfaction, with the aim that you should be reasonably happy about 80% of the time you're at work. If the balance shifts and you spend most of your time feeling dissatisfied or frustrated then it's a clear indication that something is inherently wrong and major change is required. 
2) You haven't had a pay rise in years
There are many factors to consider when assessing happiness at work - some of which are hard to measure -- but there's no doubting that money is a key issue and it's normal to expect your salary to increase over time.
The recent economic climate has forced numerous organisations to freeze pay rises and promotions until their financial situation improves. However, Home Learning College research shows that 10% of workers haven't had a pay rise in the past five years -- long before the recession caused companies to tighten the purse strings.
If this is ringing any bells then the question is whether your company is simply unable or unwilling to address the situation or whether your performance is lacking in some area. Either way, it's time to face the up to the problem and either fight for a pay rise or move into a new line of work that's better suited to your personality and skills.
3) The thought of promotion fills you with dread
Increasing responsibility is another sign of development and success at work, and many people are stimulated by the challenge of progressing to the next level in their career. However, if you're feeling bogged down and stressed by your current workload, or as though you're a round peg in a square hole, then the thought of additional accountability is sure to leave you cold. If this lack of desire for change is due to satisfaction with your current circumstances then there is no law that you need to strive for more seniority. When combined with a sense of inertia or feeling trapped in the wrong role then it's a warning signal that something isn't right.
4) Your work never excites or interests you
Money and promotions aside, most people prefer to be stimulated at work and boredom is often cited as a key reason for leaving a job. Doing the same role, day after day for several years, can become extremely tedious and leave you feeling jaded and in need of a new focus.
Consider when you last learnt something new at work: if you can't remember then it's time to get the old grey matter buzzing again. A change can be as good as a rest, but it's not always necessary to turn your life upside down to enjoy these benefits. Another option is to take up a vocational course that will deliver practical skills and may enhance your existing role or set you off on a whole new career path.
5) Conversations about work are mostly negative 
It's completely normal to gripe about work occasionally. After all, there is no other social situation where you are obliged to spend a set amount of hours in the company of people you may not always like, doing things you may not always agree with. While the odd moan can be a healthy outlet for such frustrations these shouldn't dominate your conversations, either with friends or colleagues.
If you've passed that tipping point and rarely have a good word to say about work then your unhappiness at work has clearly spread into other areas of your life. Instead of wasting valuable energy complaining about things you probably can't change, why not re-focus that time on doing something productive, such as gaining new skills or hunting for a more suitable role. Not only will you feel happier, but those closest to you will feel relieved at having a new topic for discussion.

Until da next Tyme !