
30 July 2010

Causes of High Blood Presssure !

hey peeps,

So this is sharing and edcuating month..... so the lesssons continue. Yesterday my blog explained the causes of Diabetes type 2. Unfortunately High BP ( Blood Pressure ) is a very close relative of type 2 and the causes are almost similar

Lowering your blood pressure isn't always as simple as eating fewer high-sodium foods. The fact is that multiple factors combined affect your blood pressure. There are two main categories of risks that contribute to hypertension--those that you can't change, and those that you can.

Uncontrollable Risk Factors

These variables are out of your control. Although you can't do anything to change them, it's important to know whether you fall into any of these higher-risk categories.

• Your age. Your risk of developing high blood pressure increases as you age. Men over 45 and women over 55 are more likely to have high blood pressure.

Your gender. Up to age 55, men are more prone to high blood pressure than women. After menopause, a woman's risk increases. By age 75, high blood pressure is more prevalent among women than men. Women who take oral contraceptives are also at a higher risk for hypertension.

Your family history. Your risk doubles if one or both of your parents had high blood pressure.

• Your race. In the U.S., African Americans (especially women) are more likely to develop high blood pressure, along with other minorities (Hispanics, American Indians and Alaskan natives).

Until da next Tyme !

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps 

Happy Friday! 

Changes in the home that you may actually welcome could still prove to be a lot of work. You may have underestimated the amount of preparations that need to be made to make these changes a reality, but you're more than capable of dealing with them. 

Enlist help from family members and friends if you can, and call in professionals when necessary. You'll get it all out of the way soon. Go to it!

Until da next Tyme!

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps ,

Happy Friday 

News that comes to you today via the grapevine might seem rather confusing, and may not make sense. Someone has probably misinterpreted a piece of information and passed it on without making sure of what it meant. 

If it involves something that's important to you, try to find out where the information came from and then track down the truth before taking any kind of action. You won't want to waste your time and energy.

Until da next Tyme !

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hello peeps 

Happy Friday

You should be feeling especially romantic, sensual, and passionate today, and longing to get together alone with a love partner. You might, however, have some difficulty reaching the one you want to be with the most.

Don't give up, however. Be persistent. Your friend feels the same way you do, and is probably trying to reach you. Check your messages and e-mail frequently, and you'll probably have the kind of evening you want. Enjoy!

Until da next Tyme !

29 July 2010

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes

Hey peeps,

Following my blog last week the education continues .

Preventing diabetes isn't as simple as eating less sugar. The fact is, a combination of factors contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. There are two main categories of risks--those that you can't change, and those that you can.

Uncontrollable Risk Factors

These variables are out of your control. Although you can't do anything to change them, it's important to know whether you fall into any of these higher-risk categories.

Your age. Your risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases as you age. Diabetes most often affects people over age 40, and people over 65 are at even higher risk.

Your family history. There is some evidence that diabetes runs in families. If your parent or sibling has diabetes, for example, your risk of developing diabetes increases.

Your race. Certain ethnicities--African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islander Americans--are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

Your health history. Women who had gestational diabetes during pregnancy are 50% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years. Giving birth to a baby over nine pounds also increases a woman's risk. Other risk factors include illnesses and conditions such as pancreatitis, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels, metabolic syndrome, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and vascular disease (such as stroke).

My diabetes was more to do with my familty history and my race, but hey , you still live and make the most of your life.

Until da next Tyme !

Five Money Mistakes we make

Hey peeps,

We all make a lot of mist cakes. I mean mistakes. On a weekly basis we perform dozens of logical errors, attentional errors and memory, um, things...Yeah.

The errors that our fragile minds make affect all aspects of our lives, including money decisions. Here are just five of them to watch out for.
Error 1

A primitive form of psychological pricing is to mark prices down from nice round figures like £10 to £9.99, are you fooled by it ???

More advanced techniques are discounts and three-for-two offers. Each of these make people buy things they otherwise wouldn't, purely because they think they're getting a good deal. Here's an example: if a shirt was priced at £40, you might um and ah over the cost of it. However, if it was £70 reduced to £40, you'd be more inclined to stretch your budget to buy it. Even though it's the same shirt!

Error 2

There's an error we make (called, if you're interested, the availability heuristic) that causes us to make terrible decisions.
Let's say you read over and over in the papers about one frightening terrorist attack on a plane. This makes you think how dangerous flying is, so you decide not to fly for the rest of the year. However, the odds of this event happening to you are ludicrously small. You're more likely to be struck by a car when crossing the street or to get cancer from sunbathing, but you don't stop doing those things, do you?

Of course, making fewer flights will probably improve your finances, but most of the time this type of error is more likely to cost you money. This happens, for example, when you hear or read about one bad experience someone has with a company, and from that you leap to the conclusion that it is more untrustworthy than its competitors, or that all its products are rubbish. Conversely, you may read about one good experience and presume that the company is all nice and fluffy.

People refuse to use a company based on just one event.

Error three
Closely related to error two is when people overreact. I dunno what this error is called, but I call it overreacting or, maybe, the 'It's all about the principle' effect. After having one bad experience with a company, sometimes people refuse to deal with them again based on an emotional reaction, which they justify in their heads as 'the principle', now I am very guilty of this !!

However, it's usually just the mistake of one employee, whom you'll never have contact with again. Or, you found out the company ripped you off with poor terms and conditions, so you refuse to take out a different, market-leading product from them, even though you know the conditions are better. This is to the detriment of your finances.

Error four
It's common for people to make an emotional purchase and then to try to rationalise and justify it afterwards. This is called post-purchase rationalisation. Don't try telling me you haven't done this before!

Error five

Research has found that people disproportionately stick with any default choices when making decisions, for example, in retirement planning. Say that a group of people are offered three choices of investment fund for their pensions: low risk, medium risk and high risk. Let's say that half of these retirement savers are told that, if they don't specify a fund, the default fund will be the medium risk one, and the other half are told the default is the high-risk fund.
You might find that, of the first lot, 80% stick with the medium-risk fund, but of the second lot, only 40% switch to the medium-risk fund. This might be caused by the status quo bias, where people perceive a greater risk if they make changes.
Of course, you could also call this laziness.

Hopefully, this catalogue of errors will make you take a step back before you make any financial or important  decisions. Ask yourself: is your brain being fragile?

Until da next Tyme !

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Hello Peeps, 

You may receive a bit of a financial scare, as past expenses catch up with you. When the credit card bill exceeds a single page, it's a signal that you're overspending. 

Don't despair, but also don't hide the bill at the bottom of the pile. The damage is done, now it is up to you to take the steps to repair it. You can do it, though you could benefit from the advice of a financial professional.

Until da Next Tyme !

Virgo Daily Horoscope

hey peeps,

Don't feel like you are the one who needs to make sure that everyone is happy. Let people fight their own battles, and don't get involved if the issues don't concern you. Your presence will only muddle the problem even more. 

If indeed the point in question does pertain you, feel free to start out swinging. You may feel a greater instinct to fight today, so don't resist this natural urge if simple reasoning fails to solve the problem.

until da next Tyme !

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hello Peeps, 

The boy scout motto applies to women as well: Be prepared. Something you have long wished for may come to fruition today. Are you ready for the changes this is likely to bring? 

Accept this as the wonderful gift that it is. There are no strings attached, no hidden agendas and no small print in the contract. Take this gift at face value, and don't forget to say "thank you."

Until da next Tyme !

28 July 2010

Dating Sites ....#3

Hey Peeps,

So following my previous blogs, about dating sites I  wanted to keep you updated and what to look for and what to avoid.

Ok ladies, it doesn't matter which site you choose they all have scammers so beware . I have catergorize some of the sites in how I believe they are viewed:
  • The VIP Elite sites- they basically have the look good people who say the right things, but they act stoosh  like their sh*t don't stink , but they are the look good crew ....
  • There is the medium class - they are a mixture of the look good crew, mixed with the working class and they are serious enough about finding a partner 
  • The Lower class is the one that you will get more hits from, these will be the ones that you will find honest hard working guys, but they are riddled with scammers :(
Now the first rule is ASK questions - at some point if they are real they will have nothing to hide, also make sure that the image that they show on the site is the image of the person you are talking with as they like to use   other people image, so ask for a web cam !

If your spirit is not feeling the person, just tell them, you are not married to them so don't feel obligated ! 

If it sounds too good to be true..... then it ain't true !

Until da next Tyme !

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps,

The good relationships that you have maintained with people on the job are likely to pay off today, as an unexpected raise or other opportunity could come your way. Contact with friends and family members are also likely to be warm, supportive, and satisfying.

Bear in mind that efforts you have put in to these relationships have benefited not only you, but the people around you as well. Continue as you are!

Until da next Tyme

Virgo daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps,

A lucky break on the job could have you looking forward to a small raise or bonus. Your natural tendency towards hard work and dedicated service is paying off for you at this time, and you can probably expect some sort of advancement in the near future.

Relations with superiors and coworkers are going well, and those in high places are becoming more aware of you and your potential. Onward and upward!

Until da next Tyme !

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps,

A welcome letter or a gift of some kind could come your way today, possibly from a romantic partner, or at least from a beloved friend or relative. You're likely to love the gift, but you'll probably appreciate the thought even more.

An art or craft exhibition could take place in your near neighborhood which you'll want to attend. Don't let anything get in the way of this. You'll really enjoy it.

Until da next Tyme !

27 July 2010

Cover Girl Experience !

Hey peeps.

I wanted to share an experience with you , that you need to be aware of.
If you are in London , you are normally approached by these touters on the street, offering to give you a make over for a day free.

Having done one before I thought it would be a good idea to arrange to have one done with my friend, now my expectations are high so it was with anticipation I  wanted to see what this company could deliver.

Ok so to list a few things off da bat:

  • Directions to their offices was ridiculous the building wasn't highlighted apart from a A4 paper with Cover Girl taped to a door which was open so from the street it wasn't viewable
  • The office was dingy and looked like a cattle market... filled with women just sitting around, there goes that pampering feeling :( 
  • We were not greeted and consulted instead we were given a questionnaire to complete about what look we wanted to achieve.
  • We were told to arrive 15 minutes prior to our appointment, but  we sat without been seen for over an hour without any explanation 
  • Eventually we were called to get hair and makeup done, I was seen by a chick called Sinead, who was nice, but her customer skills was a bit short, through no fault of her own.
  • As I don't wear make up I explained that to her and she was semi helpful
  • Then when it came to styling my hair, they had no tongs only flat iron ????? SERIOUSLY ! this was to be a professional makeover as they advertised !!!!!
  • Sinead tried her best but with no training in how to deal with Afro Caribbean skin and hair she struggled.
  • We were placed with their top photographer an "Elvis styled quiffed Malaysian" that was far more scared of me so much , that he didn't do his job properly.
  • When taken down stairs where  we were told that we would have to share a dressing room. Ok let me break it down,  for a couple of Voluptuous sisters that ain't gonna work , we cant be in the same space as tits and a** is gonna make it tight , when I drew his attention to the situation  -I made it in a joke but I was deadly serious, he chose to laugh it off.
  • Then within ten minutes of arriving downstairs  he started rushing us to change into our outfit.... now understand me here people..... there was no consultation on the colours we would be wearing to enhance the images or the lighting  .... nothing..... plus you had us waiting for over 1 hour, now you want to rush me...... hmm really, did no one tell him my name was DIVA !!!
Over the next 40 minutes by friend and I was arranged in an array of shapes and poses that was painful to say the least from a person that as far as I am concerned has no customer experience and comes as across as a frozen  lollipop on a hot sunny day :(, with lights exploding  and the dingy atmosphere, with no make up retouches and the unbearable heat, it wasn't PLEASANT 

The final bit was  when the pictures were ready and we are asked what we would like  to chose and they avoided  telling us the price ...... the pictures were good, but at £75 a pop and £270 for 5 ... hell no ! not after the experience that I have had.They did offer a free image which we chose to take.

The idea and the concept is good, but the marketing is pathetic...... this would have been a joyous experience if their customer service was up to standard.

I had a great day at their expense as I was taking the pi**at them all day, but it was done in such a way that I entertained their clients with my antics about their product and they didn't get it......

If you are interested in knowing the name of the company  leave a comment with your thoughts and I will holla 

Until da next Tyme!

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

hey Peeps,

Love and beauty are big themes for you, and you will find that this is the perfect time to begin a romantic relationship of some sort. You are at the beginning of a new cycle of love that should grow bountifully as the days progress. 

If you already involved in a close partnership at this time, you should take this opportunity to bring your relationship to a deeper level.

Until da next Tyme !

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps, 

Money matters may be very much on your mind today. There may be a purchase you've been dying to making, perhaps involving art, beauty, or clothing, but you might have some doubt as to whether your financial condition can support such a move at this time. 

Be sure that you examine the situation carefully and don't jump to conclusions. You might be a bit more flush than you think.

Until da next Tyme !

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps 

When it comes to taking action today, you may want to consider doing something with a partner. Having another person on board will help you keep things in balance in many ways. 

Other people's perspectives on the current situation will help you make sure that all your bases are covered. Don't forget the little guy in your quest for the big position. A true leader is one who walks behind her people.

Until da next Tyme !

26 July 2010

Dating Sites ....#2

Hey there peeps,

Ok so here is the low down, a few days ago I told you all about my interaction with a dating site. Well I need to keep you all updated.

Ladies, what can I say, I am not an ugly duckling..... but I feel like I have been thrown in a room full of men that hasn't sniff a woman's scent in well over 2 years or more. Don't get me wrong I know that I command a room when I walk in and heads will turn, however this is beyond that , I am being flirted with by the good-looking, cute and the plain fugly! yeah that is right .... for those in the know !!

Men  on these sites are HUNGRY! .....seriously - I mean its like they spend so much time staring at your profile, then they hit you up  with a flirt and the first thing is they are interested in what is under your clothes , not high how are ya  doing?, nope they go straight for the kill ....

Make no mistakes these sites are not romantic, they are practical, they fill a niche in the market that has opened up over time as we are spending more time at work.

Watch out for the next blog where I will categorize them for you as I believe they come in different stages :)

Until da next Tyme !

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps 

Happy Monday :) 

Conflict between your head and your heart may leave you feeling indecisive today about which way to proceed. More than likely, there are unknown variables that are making it difficult for you to know which direction is best. 

Try to free yourself from only looking at the negative sides to every issue. The more you dwell on the positive, the more likely the outcome will be positive, regardless of what route you finally end up choosing.

Until da next Tyme !

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps,

Happy Monday :) 

You may find yourself in the position of mediator today, between two conflicting sides that can't seem to find common ground. One side may not be willing to see the reality of the situation, yet their opinions on the issues are tremendously strong and unyielding. 

You are more inclined to favor the rational side of the issue, but in reality you need to remain as neutral as possible so that you can really hear the value in each position.

Until da next Tyme !

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps, 

Happy Mondays :) 

Don't be surprised if you are overrun with conflict on a day like today. For some reason, words may get in the way of every situation and it may be hard for you to communicate exactly what it is you are trying to get through to others. 

Keep in mind that this struggle doesn't necessarily need to be so painful. Look for other ways of expressing yourself at this time.

Until da next Tyme !

23 July 2010

Avoiding Holiday Rip offs !

Hey peeps ,

So as its holiday season ,I am, sharing some of my tips to avoid high expensive holidays, but also allow your money to stretch further :) 

Here are three of the biggest holiday rip-offs and how to avoid them:

1. Airport parking charges

A trip to the airport by car can quickly become an expensive affair, with parking fees costing more than the flight, in some cases.
The solution
Express train services aren't much better, and if you're using an airline like Ryanair or easyJet, can put a dent in what was meant to be a budget holiday.
If you're determined to take your car to the airport, there is really only one rule: Book as early as you can.
Use a search engine such as, which will find you the best deal on your chosen dates. It also guarantees if you find a cheaper price within 24 hours of booking, it will give you the parking spot free of charge.
For rail travellers, instead of using express services, why not take a slower train which stops at a few extra stations? Ok, it may not get you to the airport in record time, but it will save you a packet on your train fare.
Or take a bus. For example, easyBus offers single fares to Luton, Gatwick and Stansted from just £2.

2. Exchanging money

Two of the worst places you can change your money are at the airport, and your hotel.
The solution?
Though they may be convenient, the rates you'll get are a real rip-off.
Plan ahead! If you're determined to leave your travel money until the last minute, Travelex lets you to order your currency online and pick it up at selected airports.
That way, you'll get a better rate, and have the convenience of being able to pick up your currency at the airport. You can even order it on the day of departure (just leave at least four hours for collection).

3. Dynamic currency conversion

Dynamic currency conversion is a practice most commonly used in Europe, especially in smaller stores, and at ATMs.
When paying for something in a shop, or withdraw cash at an ATM, some stores will give you the option to pay in pounds.
If you've never seen this before, it may seem logical to do this, as it shows you how much you'll be paying straight away.
One word: don't. The retailer earns a commission from the transaction, therefore the rate you'll be offered will be much less competitive than the one you'll get from your bank.

The solution

Simple: always opt to pay in the local currency.
With these simple tops you cant go wrong!

Until da next Tyme !

Knowing your Blood Pressure

Hi Peeps ,

So I continue with my education on Diabetes and other ailments around that disease.

Next is blood Pressure, very few of us know what the numbers mean, I was one of those few, so what I have  learned, what it means and how these numbers can affect my life, I wanted to share some facts with you.

Has your doctor has  told you that your blood pressure is too high? Maybe they put you on a medication to help reduce it, or simply told you to reduce the stress in your life. No matter what you are doing to manage your blood pressure, it's important to know where you stand and what levels of blood pressure are considered optimal.

Both of your numbers (systolic and diastolic) do matter. For optimal health, you want both numbers to be within a certain range. If one number is high and the other is considered healthy, you still have high blood pressure and its associated risks. Remember that systolic blood pressure is the top number and diastolic blood pressure is the bottom number in your ratio (i.e. 120/80).The following chart will help you recognize the differences between optimal and high (hypertensive) blood pressure.
Blood Pressure Categories for Adults (measured in mm Hg)
< 120
< 80
High (Stage 1)
High (Stage 2)
High (Stage 3)
> 180
> 110

Only a medical professional can truly assess your risk and provide proper diagnosis and medical advice. To lower your blood pressure, talk to your doctor first. Together you can start a treatment plan that will probably include lifestyle modifications such as dietary changes and exercise, stress reduction and possible medications.

No matter where you lie on the chart above, you may find it comforting to know that even small reductions in blood pressure can have a big impact on your health. Lowering your blood pressure by just 12 to 13 points can lower your risk of heart attack by 20 percent; stroke by 37 percent and cardiovascular death by 25 percent. 

Until da next Tyme !

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Hey Peeps,

Concerns surrounding family issues might be on your mind throughout the day. You might feel that you're too distracted to take care of any other responsibilities,  but don't worry. 

The planets all indicate that all will be well, so try not to get worked up. Frequent phone calls to family members would be a good idea, in order to reassure you and them.

Until da next Tyme !

Leo Daily Horoscope

Hey peeps, 

Shy away from making any long-term commitments. Much as you may be feeling restless and ready for a change of environment, today would not be a good day to put a deposit down on a new home, or sign up for a time-share partnership at a vacation resort. 

There are less expensive ways to cure your wanderlust. Think of planning a weekend away with a close friend. This may be what you really need right now.

Until da next Tyme !

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Haey Peeps 

Happy Friday !

A recent increase in your income could have you wanting to treat yourself by going out and catching up on purchases you've been needing to make but have put off. 

You'll daydream about surrounding yourself with beautiful objects, but aren't likely to follow through with actually buying them, preferring to concentrate on practicalities. Don't be afraid to treat yourself with a few frivolous items. You've worked hard and you deserve it!

Until da next Tyme !

22 July 2010

Types of Diabetes!

Hello peeps, 

As most of you know I suffer from Diabetes, so following the mountainous of questions that ~I have been asked as to how I cope, I thought it best that I explained what Diabetes is, as I suffer from Type 2

Under normal circumstances, the glucose (sugar) levels in your blood rise after you eat. In response, the body produces a hormone called insulin, which converts the glucose in your bloodstream into usable energy. But if insulin isn't available, or if the body isn't using it correctly, your blood glucose will remain elevated, and that can be harmful to your body. The latter describes diabetes mellitus, a serious health condition that affects millions of people. There are actually a few variations of this disease, but all characterized by abnormally high levels of glucose in the bloodstream.
  • Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disorder, meaning your own immune system attacks and destroys the only cells in the body that manufacture insulin. Type 1 diabetes used to be called "insulin-dependent" or "juvenile-onset" diabetes. With no cure, type 1 diabetics must manage the disease for the rest of their lives.
  • Type 2 Diabetes begins with insulin resistance, during which the pancreas is still manufacturing insulin, but the cells of the body are not using it properly. In response, the pancreas produces more and more insulin, wearing itself out and eventually losing its ability to produce insulin. High levels of blood glucose result, making it difficult for the body to use this glucose as fuel. Type 2 diabetes used to be called "non-insulin-dependent" or "adult-onset" diabetes, but more and more cases are being diagnosed in children. Between 90% and 95% of diabetes cases are type 2.
  • Pre-Diabetes almost always occurs before a person develops full-blown type 2 diabetes. People who have higher-than-normal blood glucose levels that aren't quite high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes are considered pre-diabetic.
  • Gestational Diabetes can occur during pregnancy when the body still manufactures insulin, but the cells don't use it properly. Treatment is necessary to prevent injury to the fetus.
Until da next Tyme !

Leo Daily Horoscope

hey peeps,

A lot of work might have to be done around the house,Andrea, and your inclination could be to roll up your sleeves, pitch in, and try to get it all done at once. This isn't necessarily a good idea. 

You do need to take some time off from your busy life to relax. Otherwise you could end up depressed. Take care of the most important matters, and then entertain yourself by watching a funny movie or video. Everything else can wait!

until da next Tyme !

Virgo Daily Horoscope

hey peeps ,

Things are likely to go well for you today, and you will find that you have an incredible knack for applying exactly the right amount of pressure on a situation to make it work for you the way you need. 

Don't be too aggressive, but don't be too passive either. More than likely, you will receive some sort of positive affirmation from someone older and wiser who is appreciative of your efforts and compassion.

unril da next Tyme !

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

hey peeps, 

Your ego should be feeling charged today, and emotionally, you should be feeling strong. This doesn't give you permission to be reckless, however, In fact, your greatest asset today is your slow, steady, and methodical way of handling things. 

Keep yourself stable and grounded at all times. You have a distinct advantage over others today, thanks to your keen eye for detail and critical way of thinking

Until da next Tyme !

21 July 2010

Most Expensive Holiday Destinations !

hey Peeps,
As a travel queen I started looking at the places I have visited  over the years and the cost of visiting there as well as looking at  the places that people percieve to be expensive  against what they percive to be the cheapest.

You might fancy a beach holiday in the South of France but beware: it will cost you a bomb!
It’s more expensive to take a holiday in France than it is to stay in Dubai, Switzerland, Sweden and other Nordic countries.
A survey of 1,500 people by Skyscanner shows that even though most people think Sweden is the most expensive country to go to on holiday, France is actually more expensive – before flights are taken into account. Even if you do include flights, France is still the third most expensive country to visit, higher than Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand.
The most expensive country to visit overall, including flights, is Japan – most people believed it was cheaper, wrongly placing it behind Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Dubai and Iceland. By contrast, Cyprus is the least expensive place to visit, before and after flights are taken into consideration. Despite this, most people perceive it as quite expensive, ranking it 14th most expensive out of the 30 countries surveyed.
The research looked at the cost of various items including a coffee, a beer, a meal, accommodation and car hire in 30 different destinations.

Most expensive countries to visit vs. perceived costs

Perceived Country Cost Ranking
Actual Country Cost Ranking
Actual Country Cost Ranking Including Flights
1.        Sweden
1.        France
1.        Japan
2.        Norway
2.        Switzerland
2.        Brazil
3.        Switzerland
3.        Denmark
3.        France
4.        Denmark
4.        Brazil
4.        Switzerland~
5.        Dubai
5.        Russia
5.        Denmark
6.        Iceland
6.        Japan#
6.        Australia
7.        Japan
7.        Italy
7.        Mexico
8.        Italy
8.        Spain
8.        New Zealand
9.        France
9.        Iceland
9.        Russia
10.     Germany
10.     Mexico
10.     Canada
11.     Australia
11.     Canada
11.     Italy
12.     New Zealand
12.     Dubai
12.     Iceland
13.     Canada
13.     Sweden+
13.     USA
14.     Cyprus
14.     Germany
14.     Dubai
15.     South Africa
15.     Croatia
15.     Spain
16.     Russia
16.     Australia
16.     South Africa
17.     Greece
17.     USA
17.     Thailand
18.     Portugal
18.     Norway
18.     India
19.     Spain
19.     Portugal
19.     Dominican Republic
20.     USA
20.     Turkey
20.     Croatia
21.     Brazil
21.     Poland
21.     Sweden+
22.     Dominican Republic
22.     New Zealand
22.     Germany
23.     Croatia
23.     India
23.     Turkey
24.     Egypt
24.     Egypt
24.     Egypt
25.     Poland
25.     Thailand
25.     Norway**
26.     Turkey
26.     Morocco
26.     Portugal
27.     Mexico
27.     Dominican Republic
27.     Poland
28.     Morocco
28.     South Africa
28.     Morocco
29.     Thailand
29.     Greece
29.     Greece
30.     India
30.     Cyprus
30.     Cyprus

So Morocco and Poland are on my lest of places to visit., then I can work my way up the list  to the most expensive , which I am already planning for in 2012 :) 

Until da next Tyme !