
27 July 2010

Cover Girl Experience !

Hey peeps.

I wanted to share an experience with you , that you need to be aware of.
If you are in London , you are normally approached by these touters on the street, offering to give you a make over for a day free.

Having done one before I thought it would be a good idea to arrange to have one done with my friend, now my expectations are high so it was with anticipation I  wanted to see what this company could deliver.

Ok so to list a few things off da bat:

  • Directions to their offices was ridiculous the building wasn't highlighted apart from a A4 paper with Cover Girl taped to a door which was open so from the street it wasn't viewable
  • The office was dingy and looked like a cattle market... filled with women just sitting around, there goes that pampering feeling :( 
  • We were not greeted and consulted instead we were given a questionnaire to complete about what look we wanted to achieve.
  • We were told to arrive 15 minutes prior to our appointment, but  we sat without been seen for over an hour without any explanation 
  • Eventually we were called to get hair and makeup done, I was seen by a chick called Sinead, who was nice, but her customer skills was a bit short, through no fault of her own.
  • As I don't wear make up I explained that to her and she was semi helpful
  • Then when it came to styling my hair, they had no tongs only flat iron ????? SERIOUSLY ! this was to be a professional makeover as they advertised !!!!!
  • Sinead tried her best but with no training in how to deal with Afro Caribbean skin and hair she struggled.
  • We were placed with their top photographer an "Elvis styled quiffed Malaysian" that was far more scared of me so much , that he didn't do his job properly.
  • When taken down stairs where  we were told that we would have to share a dressing room. Ok let me break it down,  for a couple of Voluptuous sisters that ain't gonna work , we cant be in the same space as tits and a** is gonna make it tight , when I drew his attention to the situation  -I made it in a joke but I was deadly serious, he chose to laugh it off.
  • Then within ten minutes of arriving downstairs  he started rushing us to change into our outfit.... now understand me here people..... there was no consultation on the colours we would be wearing to enhance the images or the lighting  .... nothing..... plus you had us waiting for over 1 hour, now you want to rush me...... hmm really, did no one tell him my name was DIVA !!!
Over the next 40 minutes by friend and I was arranged in an array of shapes and poses that was painful to say the least from a person that as far as I am concerned has no customer experience and comes as across as a frozen  lollipop on a hot sunny day :(, with lights exploding  and the dingy atmosphere, with no make up retouches and the unbearable heat, it wasn't PLEASANT 

The final bit was  when the pictures were ready and we are asked what we would like  to chose and they avoided  telling us the price ...... the pictures were good, but at £75 a pop and £270 for 5 ... hell no ! not after the experience that I have had.They did offer a free image which we chose to take.

The idea and the concept is good, but the marketing is pathetic...... this would have been a joyous experience if their customer service was up to standard.

I had a great day at their expense as I was taking the pi**at them all day, but it was done in such a way that I entertained their clients with my antics about their product and they didn't get it......

If you are interested in knowing the name of the company  leave a comment with your thoughts and I will holla 

Until da next Tyme!

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