
19 July 2010

Day 7

Good morning all,

So its been a bit of a struggle for the week to avoid carbs all together. 

At the weekend I had potatoes, as I had guests for dinner.... so on Saturday I gave in.... wow I felt bloated, its amazing when you cut out things from your diet and when you have it again the way it makes you feel, it was crazy !

Now at the start of this I did  explain that it was to lower my carb intake not to necessarily avoid carbs all together , as that is not healthy.

As a diabetic I need carbs all the time, but I am trying to avoid the complex carbs such as pasta, bread, rice etc, this in itself is very very challenging but  I know it  will be worth it in the end.

So I have one more week of lowering my carb intake and then I can slowly re introduce it into my diet....however the way that I am feeling I might try it for another two weeks to see how I feel, as to be honest , I feel lighter in myself  :) 

Until da next Tyme 

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