
30 June 2009

Arrival at the Airport .......

Now for those who travel on the occasional trips each year, you will know its hard to pack, as you feel you have to take everything including the kitchen sink :)

I am no different, except I am doing my trip for 5 weeks, so there are some essentials that I will need !

However airline carriers now want to charge a fortune and lower the baggage allowance, what is that ???????

So needless to say I was over weight and I had to pay extra, but then I was only allowed one piece of hand luggage rather than the 2 I had, ( one which was my handbag)

To top it all I had to force it all in one bag. Before I could get on the plane :( that just wasn't sexy!

Then to make matters worse the flight was uncomfortable, as it was 5 hours long on a cramped package airline.... I wasnt impressed , Richard Branson needs to get on this route and make it happen.....

The night before .........

Ok so the night before my trip after careful packing and repacking, I felt I had it all covered to go out and chill with my friends.

Checked out an ok Brazilian restaurant then headed to a rare groove night that had me out until 5.30am

By the time my limo came to take my friends home, they were half asleep, whilst I was still buzzing on excitement.

I was heading to Egypt for 5 weeks on my own to live and work....

I have travelled extensively, but never to a country which required me to stay more than 10 days; as then it is no longer classed as a holiday.

Needless to say my friends made it a very memorable night.

There was no point sleeping as I had a car, coming to take me to the station to start my exciting journey .......

24 June 2009

Upgrading - Travelling in style !

hey there all,

Travelling is FUN!

It is always better when we get to travel in style as it make the experience more exciting and lets face it comfortable

So let me give you a few of my trade secrets that has worked for me in the past whilst I have been travelling.

We all love to travel in style, I have yet to meet one person who doesn't, and it is something that is achievable without having a great deal of money, and is best reflected by your approach as a person and how you react / deal with situations.

Below is a few simple tips that I have used that has worked for me :

  1. remember when travelling to look the part, wear something that is flattering and easy to travel in, but also that can be easily fit into place in business class or even first class

  2. have one piece of designer carry on, that looks expensive it doesn't have to be, it just needs to look like good quality product.

  3. walk with confidence- a certain air of aloofness, but not too much arrogance

  4. smile - that is the best assets that will work in your favour

  5. select one check in booth and focus on that person, be friendly , but with an attitude that you are a seasoned traveller

  6. whilst checking in make eye contact and have a friendly conversation, enquire as to whether the flight is full, play on the fact that this is your first flight to that particular destination and how excited you are etc.
  7. personalised your interaction with the check in staff, looking at body language as to how receptive they are with you
  8. ask the direct question as if the flight isn't full what are the chances of you getting an upgrade, do this in a humorous and exciting way - remember this is your first trip.

17 June 2009

Welcome to my world!

Ok so having travelled most of my life, and with friends that just live their life vocariously through my travel exploits, -I decided why not share the experience with all.

I am about to embark on truly awesome adventure ( well for me it is )

For the next 4 weeks , I will be living and working in Egypt!

Egypt you say..... yes Egypt!

Since Dec 2007 , I have been travelling to this wonderful and truly spiritual place that keeps drawing me back over and over again!

So looking out for pictures, top travel tips, places of interest and much more!

Feel free to question me about places that I have been, which has been varied over the many years, I will be happy to answer or tell me about somewhere exciting that you feel I should visit.

I love to travel and is always looking for my next adventure , so lets embark on a trip of our own !