
23 August 2010

The Travel Queen is Back ........

Hey peeps,

Happy Monday !

So its been a few days since I hit you all up so I wanted catch up with you all to see what's Poppin?

Hope that you all had a great weekend, I am getting REALLY excited as I am heading to Vegas for a week to celebrate my Birthday and I am soooo looking forward to that!.

YES I am back in travel Mode! 

I have been good all year , but in the next 3 months I am  gonna be making up for lost time but I will keep you all posted.

Las Vegas is first in the Agenda ,  returning to touch down in Ibiza for a few days, followed by a weekend in Dubai to check out the joint, then heading to my second home in Texas for a good chin wag with my girl.......

I am suppose to fit in Milan in there somewhere, but not sure if it will happen.

Stay tuned for the pictures and updates.

Until da next Tyme !

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