
26 May 2011

Travelling around Jamaica

Hey there all,

With a few more days to go on my trip. I decided to head up to the north coast for a few days.

Firstly let me tell you unless you are a "daredevil", using the local transportation is not recommended.

It's all about speed with these drivers, as time is money, so they drive like a bat out of he'll and take risks that an average driver wouldn't take.

I am a daredevil chick, however due to the fact that many people would be upset if I was to leave this world right now, I decided to take a more sedate form of travel.

Jamaica has a service called the "Knutsford Express" a bit like the National Express coach service, it's is suppose to be an executive travel service, however as you will learn if you ever travel here - their definition of executive and luxury travel will differ from your definition dramatically.

In all fairness I was comfortable and it was like a National express coach, and the driver was extremely competent and I arrived safely in one piece, so I am grateful :)

The journey took longer than expected - but I prefer to arrive safely rather than not at all.

The service runs between new Kingston, Ochi Rios, Montego Bay and back again, it's a must experience as you travel between the locations, you see Jamaica at it's best with views that are outstanding.

Until da next Tyme!

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