
25 May 2011

Exercising with Diabetes

Hello all,

So , as most of you know I suffer from type 2 diabetes, now that is no excuse for me not to exercise, in fact consistent, moderate exercise is one of the most important and effective weapons you can use to help manage your diabetes and your weight.

However as with any ailments, it must be monitored and the correct precautions taken, so with that in mind, here is a check-list that you can use if you are a diabetic sufferer.

Talk to your doctor about the right exercises for you, and begin gradually with a few minutes of exercise at a time when you're just starting out.

·  Always check your blood sugar level before and after exercising.
·  Always wear diabetes identification. People with diabetes should wear a comfortable necklace or bracelet that states they have diabetes (in case of emergency).
·  Check your feet for blisters or sores before and after exercising.
·  Wear proper shoes and socks.
·  Warm up before each exercise session, and cool down and stretch afterwards. This will aid in your comfort and also decrease your risk of injury or complications.
·  Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercising. Dehydration can affect your blood glucose levels.
·  Bring a fast-acting carbohydrate snack in case you experience symptoms of hypoglycemia. Juice, hard candy and glucose tablets are a few examples.
·  Report any recurring, exercise-related pain in your legs or extremities to your doctor right away.

Happy Exercising !

Until da next Tyme !

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