
19 May 2011

In Loving Memory of ......

Dear all,

Its been a while since I have written on my blog and this was due to the passing of someone very close and dear to me, a person that I strive to be ,  a person whom I admired for their strength and their patience, a person that I believe to be very wise in their years in this world and who taught me a great deal and made me the person that I am today .

My Mum....... 

I would like to thank all that has sent their support to me , it has been overwhelming and my apologies if I am only just acknowledging your thoughts at this time.

As you can appreciate this process has been very painful. 

My mum was a patient, grounded, thoughtful, caring, religious, happy, funny individual, the list is endless as to how I can describe her.

I am a true testament of her values, as those are the values that has been instilled in me and I will endeavour to carry on her legacy. 
Her beauty and infinite wisdom will  always be something that I will cherish and remember and in years to come these are a few of the attributes that I will hold very dear to me.

 Her strength, determination and tenacity  will always be remembered and I hope that one day I can say that I have  lived my life in such a a way that she would be proud.

"Mum I will always love you !"

Until da next Tyme 

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