
31 December 2010

Getting more out of your day !

Hey All, 

Do you ever feel that there is not enough time in the day?
Do you always feel pressed for time? If so, you are certainly not alone. I swear by the simple  ideas below... give  them a try, you will be amazed at the difference it will make.

Lack of time can be detrimental to our physical, emotional and spiritual health. When we are pressed for time, we tend to exercise less, eat foods for their convenience rather than their nutritional value, have less time to interact with our families and friends, and spend little, if any time, on self-development and spiritual growth.

Here are some simple ways you can begin to take back some of your time:

  • Set aside a certain amount of time each day just to do what you want to do. How about 1 hour each day? If that’s not “possible,” start with smaller increments of time, say 15 minutes, and work your way up.
  • Doing part of something is better than doing nothing. Even if you can’t complete a task or a project, it is better to take a small “chunk” out of it rather than letting the whole thing slide until later. If you absolutely “hate” working in that manner, then just make sure you set aside a specific time to complete the entire task or project.
  • Learn to say “No.” This isn’t always easy, but it can make a world of difference. Even if you don’t want to say “No” completely, try to set limits around how much you will do and when.
  • Bundle your tasks. Save up non-urgent errands so that you can do those that are logistically close to one another.
  • Delegate. How much is your time worth? It may be worth the cost of hiring someone to do things like mow your lawn, clean your house, AND you will be purchasing the precious commodity of time. It’s more than okay to ask for help.
  • Do the yucky stuff first. Take care of the tasks that you dislike so that you don’t waste precious mental time ruminating about not having done them!
  • Are the things you feel you “have” to do really necessary? It can be easy to get caught up in the details to the detriment of the big picture.
  • Take an honest look at the activities and people in your life that are “energy drainers.” Do they need to be part of your life? What would happen if you eliminated or reduced your time spent on/with them?
  • And, most importantly, set aside time each week to do something special. Make sure that, no matter how busy you are, you take time to play. Spending time with friends, outdoors, at the movies, whatever makes you happy, is essential in helping you be the most focused and effective you can be with your time.
Until da next Tyme!

Amazing Facts #35

Hey peeps ,

Ok this one is funny and sooooo true.....

"40% of women have hurled a footwear at a man"

Yes I am one of the 40% and I didn't miss either

Until da Next Tyme !

30 December 2010

Amazing Facts #34

Hey peeps,

Ok ladies, this one is for you ......

"Most Lipsticks have fish scales "

Ewww .... ladies ......start using vaseline, it s much better :)

Until da next Tyme !

Fighting holiday fatigue !

Hi there all,

I trust that you all had a great holiday and  as the first wave is over and we are preparing of the next big one.....New Years Eve/Day  here are some ways of reducing the stress and fatigue that we can suffer. 

This time of the year can be draining! Some days you can be so low on energy that you are drowsy by lunchtime and in need of a nap by mid-afternoon. Think about all the extras you have been adding to your already hectic lifestyle—office parties, gatherings with the relatives, holiday shopping, extra cooking, entertaining guests and visitors from out of town…

The list seems endless. You have already done most of this now and realise that you may have do it again soon,  then it’s time to make some drastic…okay, small but helpful…changes  before the new year. Take a quick inventory of the things that might be responsible for your exhaustion. Whatever the cause, once you discover what’s draining your energy, you can take these steps to put the vitality back in your life.

  • Time to downsize? If you are running from one task to the next without a break, it is eventually going to wear you out. You do not have to stay to the end of every party or even attend every gathering. Look at your list of events and obligations and see where you can cut back on time, energy, and money.
    • Lack of sleep. You don’t have to pull an all-nighter or miss several hours of sleep to feel negative effects. Getting just ONE hour less than what you normally need can leave you drowsy and unable to handle the increased chaos.
    • Avoid eating, reading or watching TV in bed.
    • Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet.
    • Stick to the same sleep schedule daily. Naps are fine, take them earlier in the day and keep them short—a 4-hour snooze is not a nap. Sometimes all you need is 10-30 minutes to re-energize.
    • Exercise at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.
    • A small evening snack may help you drift off to sleep, but large late-night meals can keep you tossing and turning all night.
  • Horrendous eating habits! If you are not eating properly or drinking enough water, your body is not getting the fuel and fluids it needs. Using caffeine as a jolt will only backfire. So start your day with a low-fat, high-fiber breakfast including whole grains and fruits for energy. Stay away from sugary cereals, sweetened drinks and caffeinated drinks.
    • Do NOT skip meals. It may be necessary to go with 4-6 mini meals that include whole grains, fruits, veggies, low fat dairy, and protein. Examples include turkey on rye with cheese, lettuce and tomatoes; soup and salad; peanut butter on whole-wheat toast, milk and an orange; or cottage cheese, bagel and carrot sticks.
    • Low carbs, and extremely low calories are guaranteed to zap your energy levels.
  • Inactivity. Don’t mistake being "busy" for being "active." You still need to get some exercise. After fatigue sets in, you are too tired to exercise. And when you exert yourself you tire more easily. Exercise is vital to improving your mood, your muscles and your energy level. You say you don’t have 30 minutes? Start with 10 minutes at a time.
    • When shopping , take one extra fast-paced lap before you leave.
    • While waiting to pick up the kids from practice,- if you are a mum- wear your tennis shoes and circle the parking lot or sidewalk.
  • Alcohol. Be aware that alcohol depresses your central nervous system and acts as a sedative, making you tired for hours after consuming no more than only a drink or two. It may also disrupt your sleep if you drink before bed.
    • Limit yourself to 1-2 drinks with a meal or dinner— at least 4 hours before bedtime.
    • If you’re drinking later at night, you may be more fatigued the next day. Look at your schedule in advance and plan a way to catch up on sleep if needed.
    Until da next Tyme !

29 December 2010

Amazing Facts #33


Did you know :

"Treasure valley around Nampa, is known as Idaho's Banana Belt "

Until da next Tyme!

Take A Breather !

Hi there all, 

With all the excitement of the last few days and with plenty more to come...... this is the time to take a few moments to yourself and BREATHE!!!

Proper breathing is an underestimated, but critical building block of good health. Slow, deep breathing gets rid of carbon dioxide waste and takes plenty of clean, fresh oxygen to your brain and muscles. More blood cells get the new, oxygen-rich air instead of the same old stale stuff. Experts estimate that proper breathing helps your body eliminate toxins 15 times faster than poor, shallow breathing. You'll not only be healthier, but you'll be able to perform better (mentally and physically) and, of course, be less stressed and more relaxed. 

Here's an exercise that will help you get the full benefits of good breathing. The techniques in this exercise are ones you should try to develop in your normal breathing, and that could take practice. Try to take about 10 minutes, but it can happen in five by cutting the time for each step in half. Most of it can be done anywhere you need to relax or clear your head: 

  1. Get Ready (2 minutes) Make the room dark, or at least darker. Lie down flat on your back, or sit against a wall. Use a pillow for comfort. Make sure no part of your body is strained or supporting weight. Close your eyes. Just pay attention to your breathing for a minute or two. Don't try to change it, just notice how it feels. Imagine the fresh blood flowing through your body. Listen to your surroundings. 
  2. Stage I (2 minutes) Practice breathing in and out of your nose. Exhaling through the mouth is okay for quick relaxation, but for normal breathing, in and out the nose is best. Take long breaths, not deep breaths. Try not to force it, you shouldn't hear your breath coming in or out. You're drawing slow breaths, not gulping it or blowing it out. Feel the rhythm of your breathing. 
  3. Stage II (3 minutes) Good breathing is done through the lower torso, rather than the upper torso. Each breath should expand your belly, your lower back and ribs. Relax your shoulders and try not to breathe with your chest. Put your hands on your stomach and feel them rise and fall. If it's not working, push down gently with your hands for a few breaths and let go. Your stomach should start to move more freely. Relax your face, your neck, your cheeks, your jaw, your temples, even your tongue. 
  4. Stage III (3 minutes) Feel the good air entering your lungs and feel the stale air leaving your body. "In with the good, out with the bad" is definitely true here. Make your exhale as long as your inhale to make sure all the bad air is gone. Remember, long slow breaths. Most people take 12-16 breaths per minute. Ideally, it should be 8-10. Now try to make your exhale a little longer than your inhale for a while. Pause after your exhale without taking a breath. Focus on the stillness and on not forcing an inhale. Your body will breathe when it needs to. 
  5. Wake Up!!!
Until da next Tyme 

28 December 2010

Amazing Facts #32

Whassup peeps !

Another interesting fact for ya......

Did you know  "Bluebirds cannot see the colour blue"

Until da next Tyme!

27 December 2010

Amazing Facts #31

Hello all,

Hope you all had a great Christmas ! Time start the week with some more amazing facts

"Einstein the war pacifist urged FDR to build the Atom Bomb"

Until da next Tyme !

25 December 2010

Amazing Facts #30

Merry Christmas all,

This little titbit arrives on the correct day :)

"An ounce of Platinum can be stretched 10,000 feet"

So that means I only need a millionth of an ounce to make my platinum ring :)

Until da next Tyme!

24 December 2010

Amazing Facts #29

Hello All,

Ok so this fact I love , and if I could enforce it for my morning travel - I would love it !

"In Athens, Greece,a driver's license can be taken away by law if the driver is deemed either unbathed or poorly dressed"

Can we have something similar like fining passengers for the sane thing when  they are travelling on public transport :)

Until da next Tyme

23 December 2010

Amazing Facts #28

Hey guys,

Who can remember history from school? I know I cant :(

"Sir Francis Drakes was the first captain to circumnavigate the world on September 26. 1580"

Bet y'all didn't know that did ya :)

Until da next Tyme

22 December 2010

Amazing Facts #27

Good morning all,

Its school time again.......

"In Takshashila 700BC, the first university was established"

Now the question that you are all wondering is where is Takshashila???

Its in Pakistan, north west of Islamabad capital territory  :)

Until da next Tyme

21 December 2010

Amazing Facts #26

Whassup y'all

I love karate, but I don't actually practice...... lol but this is good to know

"Karate actually originated in India, but was developed further in China"

How interesting is that ??

Until da next Tyme

20 December 2010

Lunar Eclipse !

Hey peeps,

Who wants to see an eclipse ........

If you are in the UK , you should be able to see one quite easily. To mark winter Solstice there will be a total lunar eclipse on Tuesday morning, when the Earth casts a shadow onto the Moon

On the day of the winter solstice, December 21, the full Moon will start to pass through the cone of Earth's shadow at 6.32am.
The partial eclipse begins when the Moon first enters the dark inner, umbral part of the Earth's shadow, and will become a total eclipse at 7.40am.
It will reach its maximum at 8.17am, and end at 8.53am.

From southern parts of the UK, the initial partial phase and the beginning of totality will be visible, but the Moon will be dropping down into the western sky as dawn approaches.
From those locations, when totality begins, the Moon will be very low in the west-north-western sky, close to the horizon and in a rapidly brightening sky.
From locations in Scotland and Northern Ireland, totality will be visible in its entirety, but the Moon will be low down after the time of greatest eclipse.

Observers should go out at about 6.30am when, if the sky is clear, the Moon will be visible in the western sky, and you will be able to watch as more and more of the southern part of the Moon becomes immersed in the Earth's shadow.
You  can continue watching until the eclipse becomes total at 7.40am, and hopefully for a little while after this time, if you have an unobstructed western horizon.

If anyone can take pictures and send to me that will be great :)

Until da next Tyme!

Amazing Facts #25

Hey peeps,

As I was recently in Texas, this fact was interesting to know :

" Due to its 2002 expansion, the Dallas Convention Center has the world's largest singular, column free exhibit hall in the world at 203,000 square feet"

Until da Next Tyme!

18 December 2010

Amazing Facts #24

Hey peeps,

Here is some movie trivia for ya .....

"The 1st kiss in a movie was between May Irwin and John Rice in "The Widow Jones" in 1896"

Until da next Tyme!

17 December 2010

Amazing Facts #23

Hey peeps

Here is today's trivia ....

"The word "biology" was coined in 1805 by Jean- Baptiste Lamarck"

Until da next Tyme!

16 December 2010

London travelling

Good morning peeps,

Before I start this blog, I would like to state that living in London is great and at certain times it can be ok! I love people but in december I hate london and I dont particularly welcome people when they get in my way!

Yesterday was one of those days when I detested both !!!

Travelling outside of london to one of my companies office was interesting, before I left London there were train/tube delays due to the weather????

Are you freaking kidding me, it was only drizzling!!! Not even full blown rain- it backed up the tube for over 20 mins.

Ok lets paint the picture here- the subway system in the UK is old, yet the travel is the most expensive in the world, so imagine a train packed where you are unable to move or breathe, plus a packed platform with no air for 20 minutes, and then you have me in the mix of all that suffering from asthma!!!

Now apparently this is normal travel around London, but as I dont use the subway system daily it was frustrating for me.

On my return to london in the evening - after a more comfortable journey in first class, I had to head to the West End for my office......wrong move!

Oxford street, december, slight rain- these ingredients DO NOT mix well!

I was frustrated with people in my way, standing in the way for the sake of standing, like they have no where to go???, celebrities shopping - so making a huge publicity stunt- drawing even more crowds that look like brainless sheeps!

For christsake, do your shopping and go home, why do you need to broadcast what scent you are getting your spouse......really???

It took me 2 hours to visit one store and to top it all the same delays on the way home AGAIN!!!!

Britain- you need to hear me!! You are a country that has survived wars etc, you need to get it together with your transport system! The city stands still if it rains, sunny or snow......seriously??

I now know the reason why I am never in the UK in December or January, for years I have made a conscious decision to be on holiday around this time of the year, and that is tradition that will be back in effect next year!

There were 2 highlights on my disasterous day, one was the good samaritan lady that helped me whilst I was on the train and she discovered I was asthmatic and having trouble breathing, she created space around me on a packed train so I could get some air.......good people still exist!

The second was the lights in Oxford street......they were pretty :)

Until da next Tyme !

" The Travel Queen"

Amazing Facts #22

Hey peeps,

For all the cat lovers .....

"Catnip can affect lions and tigers as well as house cats. It excites them because it contains a chemical that resembles an excretion of the dominant  female's urine"

Until da next Tyme!

15 December 2010

Amazing Facts #21

Hey Peeps,

For those that love milk !

"Camel's milk which is widely drunk in Arab countries has 10 times more iron than cow's milk "

Wow .....

Until da next Tyme!

14 December 2010

Amazing Facts #20

Hey peeps,

So here is today's trivia !

"No species of wild plant produces a flower or blossom that is absolutely black, and so far none has been developed artificially"

Until da next Tyme!

13 December 2010

Amazing Facts #19

Hey Peeps,

hmmm ....interesting !

"Flamingos pee on their legs to cool themselves off"

Nuff said  :)

Until da next Tyme

11 December 2010

Amazing Facts #18

Hey peeps,

So with this one, I have questions!!!

"Intelligent people have more Zinc and copper in their hair "

So does that mean by bright red hair doesn't make me intelligent..... that is ok as I know it makes me SEXY

Until da next Tyme !

10 December 2010

Weird jobs up for grabs in Australia !

Hey peeps,

So if you live in the UK , this one is for you !!!

Tired of the 9-to-5 routine in the rainy UK? Australia is offering British citizens aged 18 to 30 the chance to go on a working holiday on their shores to take "unusual, exciting and potentially life-changing jobs"
"Unusual" seems to be the right choice of word as the posts advertised by the South Australian government include "beach babes judge", "koala catcher", "beer taster", "shark tagger", "penguin home re-modeller" and “roo poo picker" (a job consisting of collecting kangaroo manure) .
"Life-changing" they may not necessarily be, but one thing's for sure: all of these jobs are set in exotic locations, somewhere far away from a dark and confined office in Britain.
But why are these positions advertised at all, in a country where immigration policies can be so tough?
South Australia's economy is currently booming, mainly thanks to the state's mineral wealth, and more than 180,000 new workers will apparently be needed there by 2015.
But these job offers aren't all about tempting workers to Australia. They will probably also help promote tourism in the area, as South Australia's agent general Bill Muirhead said: "This isn't about one job that everyone has to compete for, but rather about showing people that South Australia offers more exciting work and travel options than anywhere else in the world."
So if you feel lucky and fit the criteria, head out there and send me a post card!

Until da next Tyme !

Amazing Facts #17

Hey peeps

So lets take this to the stars!

" Jupiter's moon Ganymede is a larger  than planet Mercury "

Until da next Tyme !

9 December 2010

Zumba #2

Hey peeps,

A few weeks ago whilst on my trip I was raving about the latest craze to hit the fitness scene - ZUMBA!

Well upon my return to the UK, I decided to check it out at my local gym as I was hooked on my experience in the US.

I am traumatized and disappointed!

I often wonder why English people are so fascinated with Americans, the simple fact is America does things better ;) and before I create a mass influx of angry british people, its not everything but in most things.

And this was one of them!

Zumba is built around latin music etc, the Americans injected a little more ooomph into it and make it a booty shaking, high energetic workout!

So imagine my surprise when for 40 minutes I was doing moves to a christmas carol song????

Seriously , and it didn't get any better as the entire experience felt like an aerobic work out!

Finally towards the end of the session the Black Eyed Peas my favorite track came on, and I thought maybe some saving grace....but I was to be denied.

The lesson was boring , unimaginative, quite frankly I was stifling yawns throughout the session!

I did speak with the teacher afterwards as at the beginning I made it known I was a "newbie". I explained the lesson was boring and that I don't think I will be heading back.

She asked about my experience in the US and then asked me to teach her some of the moves I learned ???? Really.

So all in all a very disappointing experience, and I am yet again looking for a new Zumba class..... Any recommendations?

Until da next Tyme !

" The Travel Queen"

Twitter Travel !

Hi there all,

I read this story and wanted to share it as I think its  amazing !

"A British man called Paul Smith has travelled around the world almost totally free using only Twitter to get journeys from fellow users.
Mr Smith, 34, a freelance writer, came up with the idea while suffering post-holiday blues after spending his honeymoon in New York.
He decided he wanted to try to get to Campbell Island, 200 miles off New Zealand's coast, within 30 days.
Rather than argue about it, his new wife Jane, 40, backed him and told him to put the dates on the calendar, he told The Sun.
He posted his aims on Twitter 28 days before he wanted to leave but, at first, there was little interest.
That changed when Stephen Fry found out about him and mentioned Mr Smith to his many followers.
This is how he did it:
- Ferry ticket from Newcastle to Amsterdam (tweeter called Leanne)
- Train to Paris (two French tweeters)
- Free bed at a hostel
- Train to Saarbrucken
- Lift in car to Frankfurt (German tweeter Andrea Juchem)
- One-way flight from Frankfurt to New York (tweeter called Owen, using Air Miles)
- Spare bed in hotel room (tweeter from Yorkshire called Mark)
- Then travel to and stays in Washington DC, Chicago and San Francisco by plane, train and car (US tweeters)
- Flight to San Francisco (Zurich-based tweeter)
- Car to Los Angeles
- Free flight from LA to Auckland (Air New Zealand)
- Ferry to South Island
- Lift to tip of South Island (tweeter called Smiley)
- Sailed to Stewart Island.
At this point, Mr Smith had hoped to find a sailor to take him to his intended destination but here, at the final hurdle, he failed.
However, he realised he had achieved more than he could have hoped for - and proven how kind and spontaneous people could be to total strangers.
He also managed to be interviewed for the Good Morning America television breakfast show and partied with actresses Liv Tyler, Eva Mendes and Jessica Alba in Hollywood.
After returning to his wife and nine-year-old twin sons Sam and Jack - courtesy of another free flight from Air New Zealand - he said: "I was almost there, but not quite.
“But my main aim was to get as far around the world as I could in 30 days. When I gazed across the sea towards Campbell Island I didn’t feel like a beaten man.
"People were bending over backwards to help me and the trip proved to me there is a lot of good in the world."
He has written a book called Twitchhiker, which is out now"

Until d a next Tyme!

Amazing Facts #16

Hey peeps,

Did you know .....

"Mexican women spend 15.3% of thier life in ill health "

How crazy is that ????

Until da next Tyme !

8 December 2010

Amazing Facts #15

Hey Peeps

Just a little trivia

" If the entire population of earth was reduced to exactly 100 people, 51% would be female  49% would be male; 50% of the world's currency would be held by 6 people, one person would be nearly dead and one would be nearly born."

Until da nex Tyme!

How not to gain weight on holiday !

Hey peeps,

It's an inevitable fact of life for many of us that when we return home after our holidays, we're packing excess baggage in more than just our suitcase! Two weeks of sun, fun and an endless stream of cocktails, ice creams, heaped portions and treats can really pack on the pounds. But if you follow a few simple steps, keeping excess weight off while you're away can be fun, not a chore…
1. All-inclusive does not mean all-you-can-eat!
It's hard to resist the temptation to 'get your money’s worth' when you're on an all-inclusive break, but all those heaped bowls of pasta salads glistening with fat-packed mayo, chips and stodgy rice aren't going to do anything but add weight. Go for portion control and don't fill up on bread! Pick a small plate (studies show that if you choose a big plate, you'll eat more, regardless of how hungry you are) and limit yourself to no more than one trip to the buffet! Go for grilled, BBQ and steamed foods over fried. Pick fresh fruit and veg over processed foods.
2. Set yourself a challenge
One new type of exercise a day. It could be beach volleyball, horse riding, trying a spot of body boarding or even visiting the hotel gym or joining in an aqua-aerobics class. The important thing is to do something which raises your heart rate, so no, crazy golf doesn't count!
3. Just say no... to lifts and escalators
You'd be amazed at what a difference taking the stairs could have and it's not just an easy way to keep your weight down, it could even lengthen your life. According to scientists from the University of Geneva, taking the stairs cuts the risk of premature death by 15%, by lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
4. Invest in a pedometer
According to the experts, for a healthy long life, we're meant to take 10,000 steps a day. Unfortunately, most of us tend to live pretty lazy lives and barely clock up even half of that. Challenge the family every day to see who can take the most steps. You're almost guaranteed to hear no moans if you make the prize a good one!
5. Introduce a new tradition of an after-dinner walk
Not only will it bulk up that daily step count, but it will also help you digest your food better, and boost your metabolism, which should help you burn fat faster. Your metabolism is slow at night and a 15-minute walk after dinner will help give your metabolism a boost.
6. Make a deal
Each hour that you spend lazing by the pool or beach will end with five minutes exercise. That could be cooling off by swimming in the pool, doing crunches or even hula-hooping! You'd be amazed at how it adds up, and that Pina Colada will taste all the better for being guilt-free!
7. Drink more water
It's easy to get dehydrated on holiday, so try to get into the habit of drinking 6-8 glasses of water every day. Some studies have shown that it's easy for your body to confuse the signs of thirst for being hungry, so have a glass of water whenever you're tempted to start snacking. Make sure that every meal begins with a tall glass of water too, a great way to feel less hungry, and also by keeping well-hydrated, your metabolism increases, which burns fat faster.
8. Pedal power!
One of the best ways to see any new place is by bike. Most resorts will have cycle-hire and many hotels offer free bikes to their guests. Have fun planning ahead before you go to find some scenic cycle routes. Nothing beats coasting along the seafront by bike - you'll keep cool, dodge the traffic, have no parking problems and you can indulge without packing on the pounds. If you're cycling on the flat, you'll burn around 40 calories a mile. To put that in context, there's around 120 calories in a small vanilla ice-cream cone, which you can easily burn off in 20 minutes cycling!
Until da next Tyme!

7 December 2010

10 tips to beat the baggage charges!

hey peeps,

So I am gonna share with you a few tips to avoid baggages charges, over the last few months , airline has increase their charges and reduce their baggage allowance.

Confused by new rules on checking in baggage on planes? You're not alone. A recent survey by a leading online travel agent found that almost 40% of holidaymakers are baffled by the new baggage rules, and a whopping one in five travellers have been caught over their baggage limit and fined at the airport.
Many of the no-frills airlines charge for each bag you check in. It's no surprise that serial consumer rights offender Ryanair is the most expensive. Ryanair recently hiked its baggage charges a hefty 33% during the peak travel months of July and August, which for a family of four means an extra £160 in basic baggage costs alone! So what can you do to avoid the dreaded charges? Just follow our top ten tips!
1. Check before you book
Before you book your flight, make sure you know what the airline's policy on luggage allowances is. It's definitely worth shopping around and doing a few sums before you buy your tickets. Once all those extra costs have been added on, perhaps that cheap flight isn't so cheap after all?
2. Can you combine your allowances?
Read the small print before you book. Some airlines will let you add together your family's luggage allowance to spread the weight - and the cost - and some won't. If you're travelling with little 'uns, find out if they get a baggage allowance. Do the research before you buy the tickets!
3. Planning a sporty holiday?
If you have to take specialist equipment, like skis or scuba gear, then pre-book the space and pay in advance, as that will bring costs down. It also may be worth finding out the cost of hiring equipment when you get there, compared to the expense and trouble of taking your own.
4. How heavy is your case?
If you have a hard-shell suitcase, that could be taking up a hefty chunk of your allowance. Invest in, or borrow, a soft suitcase or rucksack, which will weigh kilos less.
5. Weigh before you go!
Invest in travel scales to avoid any nasty shocks at the airport check-in. You can buy these for around a tenner. Weigh your luggage before you go, and remember to take them with you, so you don't over-pack on the way back. Be honest, do you really need to bring home those beach towels you bought?
6. Wear your heaviest clothing items when you travel
If you're wearing a coat with pockets (perfect for storing books, iPod, camera, etc), your heaviest shoes (maybe with flip-flops in your hand luggage) and that 'in case it's chilly' jumper on the flight, that will free up a good few kilos for all those other holiday essentials.
7. Ditch the toiletries
Why worry about possible shampoo spills ruining your clothes? You can free up valuable space - and kilos - if you leave your toiletries at home and buy when you get to your destination. Plus it's a good excuse to do some guilt-free shopping! If you really can't bear leaving your favourites at home, decant into mini bottles to reduce weight.
8. Check the weather forecast online before you go
There's no point packing heavy items of clothing if you won't need them. Pack a light waterproof in case of sudden showers. Maybe plan to visit the launderette mid-break to really cut down on clothing.
9. Plan ahead
Use a little forward thinking with what you have planned for your break, to decide what you really need to take. Be honest with yourself, it might be nice to imagine you're going mountain climbing, but if you're really just going to lie on the beach, leave the boots and helmet at home!
10. Unpack... before you set off
Once you've packed everything, take a good look and take at least five items out. Be strict with yourself! Don't forget, you'll probably want to bring things back home which will raise your luggage weight. And most important of all - you can always buy things when you get there!

Amazing Facts #14

Hey people!

Ladies this is a fact that you need to be aware of

"Only two in one thousand diamonds are considered truly colourless"

So as they are supposed to be a girls best friend, lets find those true beauties!!!

Until da next Tyme!

6 December 2010

Amazing Fact #13

Hey y'all

To all car lovers out there

Did you know :

"Originally BMW was an airplane engine manufacturer"

They still produce some cool cars :)

Best Christmas Packages !

Hello peeps, 

Yes Christmas is here, in  just a few shirt weeks it will get crazy!
Now for those that like a change of scenery during this festive period, take a look below at some alternatives

1 Lapland’s Northern Lights

If you’ve a yearning to see Father Christmas or the Northern Lights, then head for Luosto, an unspoilt national park in Finnish Lapland. Here, night-time snowmobile safaris are the order of the, er, night. 
2 Manhattan malls and falls
A snow-covered Christmas in New York is always likely, allowing you to combine a merry atmosphere with some indulgent shopping and buzzing city vibe. Choose between Fifth Avenue glam and downtown chic, and hit Nolita and the Meatpacking District to explore the city’s latest sartorial offerings. The shops at Columbus Circle and Trump Tower malls are great one-stop shops, especially if you’re pressed for time and need that last-minute gift. 
3 London’s seasonal South Bank
Of the many exotic Christmas markets that set up shop each year in the capital, the South Bank’s German Market in situ from late November onwards – is worth a ‘prost’ or two, whether you’re after a sausage butty and mulled wine, silver jewellery or unusual glass ornaments for the Christmas tree. Minutes away from the market is the London Eye , great for seeing the whole of London from a different perspective, whether it’s a blue, crisp and even winter’s day or there’s a blizzard to ride up into. 
4 Festive Fife, Scotland
Christmas in Fife, Scotland, can guarantee you romance and relaxation, as well as some festive, malt-sipping merriment. Choose between distillery tours, cycling, coastal walks, trips to St Andrews or – if you’re well greased up – watersports in Fife Harbour. 
5 Grand Christmas in Graz, Austria
The Franciscan Quarter Christmas in Graz market is good for everything from regional farm goodies to hot punch, and is sure to get you in the Christmas spirit. For the kids there’s a merry-go-round and toy stalls. 
6 Bah humbug: a Jesus-free Christmas in Libya
Libya can cater extremely well to those who don’t or won’t celebrate Christmas. It’s also warm and surrounded by desert, so instead of mumbling hymns about kings of orient, you can feel like one – and if you don’t fancy a camel ride, then go on a 4x4 excursion into the Sahara. You will be shown ancient petroglyphs and a granary castle of Nalut in a spectacular position atop an escarpment. 
7 A proper winter, in Iceland
Britain in winter time is cold, wet and windy but just not very snowy, or even that cold. Iceland’s steamy Blue Lagoon, open to the general public, is fed by mineral-rich heated sea-water, and is a good place to mingle with the locals, smearing yourself with white mud while you chat about how cheap everything is, at last. 
8 Holy Holiday in Palestine
It’s so corny, it’s original. How many of your friends have spent Christmas in the place where it all started: Bethlehem? Palestine’s history is on show as soon as you arrive and you can book tours to holy sites – including Manger Square and the Church of the Nativity, in the heart of the town – and to refugee camps. 

Until da next Tyme ! 

5 December 2010

Shark Attack!

Hey peeps!

Ok firstly I never blog on sunday, but one of my favorite hot spot ; Sharm el Sheik has over the last few weeks has beem terrorized by sharks!

The authorities banned all water activities and not allowed any swimming etc until a few days ago, now a german tourist has been killed in a protected swimming area.

Obviously this will hugely affect the tourist trade as any area affected by shark attacks is not safe!

For me I have a healthy respect of the much that I don't go in it so a pool will work for me ;)

However for all those planning to head to Sharm don't be put off, its still a place worth visiting, if you are looking for heat then that is where you need to go.

I myself will be heading there late january, so holla and I will be happy to show you my Sharm !

Until da next Tyme !

" The Travel Queen"

4 December 2010

Amazing Facts # 12

Hey  peeps,

I learned today that :

" The Lied jungle  located in Omaha is the world's largest indoor rain forest."

Until da next Tyme !

Hidden ways to get Better sleep !

Hey peeps,

If many of you are like me, sleep is a a precious thing...... I love my bed. Losing sleep is certainly not something to be taken lightly. An occasional night of tossing and turning is normal, but continued patterns of this behavior can cause real problems in your ability to function normally. Research shows that inadequate sleep can have disastrous effects on your weight loss efforts, impair your concentration, and even mimic the symptoms of impaired glucose tolerance (which can lead to diabetes and hypertension).

Your mood also suffers when you don’t get enough shut-eye, causing you to become disoriented on the job, fatigued behind the wheel of a car, or irritated at home. But more importantly, these mood swings can affect your relationships with others, and even lead to depression.

But the good news is that, starting tonight, you can improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. Here are 7 ways to get back on track. You’ll be sleeping like a baby in no time!

  • Create the right environment. Get your body and mind in the habit of using your bedroom for sleeping. If you frequently sit in bed to pay your bills, do your homework, watch television, eat, talk on the phone, etc., your mind will expect that the bedroom is for daytime activities. Instead, create an environment that is suitable for sleeping. Equip your room with soft lighting, comfortable bedding, and relaxing music. Other tricks include turning the temperature down a few notches, and turning the clock away from your view. Recent studies reveal that watching your sleep time vanish into the morning hours only makes you more anxious and less able to fall asleep.
  • Get yourself into a routine. This is especially hard for people with wavering, active schedules, like students and parents. On busy days, it is difficult—but crucial—to be firm with a routine. If you normally don't fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning, or if you don't have a sleep schedule at all, try going to bed a half an hour earlier each week, or set a time to get in bed and stick with it. Eventually your body will get used to going to sleep at that time and it will begin to come naturally.

  • Limit food and beverage intake before bed. As you lie down to sleep, acids in the stomach level out, making heartburn and indigestion more likely to occur. Also, your metabolism increases slightly to digest food, which can also raise your energy level. Stop eating at least three hours before your scheduled bedtime. If you must snack on something, keep it small, and avoid high-fat foods, which take longer to digest. Instead, have a granola bar, some toast, or a small bowl of cereal, but keep your portion small. Say no to stimulants like caffeine and nicotine, which can raise blood pressure and energy levels. Alcohol may be a depressant, but after its sedative effects wear off, your sleep patterns will suffer.

  • Consider a natural approach. Certain herbal teas can help you relax and fall asleep. Chamomile is a popular herb that slows the nervous system and promotes relaxation, for example. As always, consult your health care provider, use herbs and other supplements only as directed, and make sure to read labels. Some herbs may react with certain types of medication or cause adverse effects in individuals with liver disease, Parkinson's disease, and pregnant or nursing women. Other liquids, such as a small glass of warm milk, may also help.

  • Know when and how to nap. When energy levels drop around 3-5 p.m., most of us desire a little shut-eye. Napping is okay, as long as you do it wisely. Most sleep counselors recommend napping for no longer than 20 minutes. Exceeding 20 minutes could leave you feeling groggier and make it harder for you to fall asleep at bedtime. If you know you have to stay up late, or if you have an erratic sleep schedule (especially new moms), take a nap during the day. You’ll be more productive and in a better mood.

  • Take control of your worries. Let’s face it—most of us lead very stressful lives. Stress, surprises, and changes can take a toll on your sleep habits. Schedule some downtime each day for meditative activities like stretching or a hot bath. Try to decrease your brain activity before bed by writing down your thoughts in a journal and closing the book on the day. If thinking keeps you up at night, get out of bed and try to be productive. Deal with those thoughts (pay the bill that you are worried about forgetting, make a to-do list, etc.) in a positive way, and come back to bed when you’re ready to sleep.

  • Get a check-up. If you toss and turn most nights, it may be time to see a physician. You could be suffering from one or more sleep disorders, including insomnia and sleep apnea. The sooner you find out what's wrong, the sooner you can fix it. Sleep disorders are dangerous to your health, so if you suspect something is wrong, tend to it immediately.
Until da next Tyme!

3 December 2010


Hey guys,

Apologies if you have received my Amazing facts #11, my system had an error :)

Until da next Tyme !

Blackberry Tips #2

Hey to all my Blackberry crew,

Here is another tip for ya: ,

If you have bought apps from Appworld and you have since replaced your phone, or wiped the data off your existing phone, there is a simple to get the apps you purchased or download back from is how:

Open up Appworld on your phone;

Click on the “My World” button (the button on thee far right on the Appworld dashboard);

If the apps that your purchased or downloaded do not immediately appear then Click on your “Menu” button;

Select “Log In”

Enter your paypal log in information, and select “Log In”;

All the apps you purchased and downloaded should be there for you to re-install.

Until da next Tyme !

Amazing Facts #11

Hey peeps

So here is today learning curve :

" Lassie the TV collie, first appeared in a 1930s short novel title Lassie Come - Home written by Eric Mowbray Knight. The dog in the novel was based on Knight's real life collie, Toots"

I still prefer cats :)

2 December 2010

Amazing Facts #10

Whats good people!

So this one had me in circles

"Upper and lower case letters are named 'upper' and 'lower', because in the time when all original print had to be set in individual letters, the 'upper case' letters were stored in the case on top of the case stored smaller, 'lower case' letters."

Until da next Tyme !

Only In the US!!!

hey peeps,

I wanted to share this with you all, following my trip to the US last week, things like this is only visible in the US.

So my brother in law offered if I wanted to do a "line" with him .

Now for the dirty minded people the first thought would be drugs. However this is like a drug, but not hard drug.

It is infact a energy drink names "cocaine"..... yes serioulsy people an they sell it in the US.

Similar to Redbull aand all the others, it has created issues over in the US that they have stopped selling it in shops.

But there are a few still around!

Wooooow!!!! that is all I can say

Until da next Tyme!

1 December 2010

Amazing Fact #9

Hey peeps,

Its that time again :)

"Laughing lowers level of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system"

So get to laughing people !! :)

Until da next Tyme!

5 ways to deflate a bloated belly !

Good monring peep,

With Thanksgiving over and Christmas around the corner, here are a few ideas to reduce the bloatedness that you might feel.

It's Friday night and we're slipping on our  favourite outfit and it feels a little tight. Don't freak out: It doesn't mean you've gained so many pounds that your clothes no longer fits. It could be because of what you ate during the day, which is causing you to bloat. Since no one wants to carry around extra inches on their waistlines, here are four ways to beat it.

Pick Potassium-Rich Foods

This mineral helps regulate the fluid balance in your body, keeping bloat at bay. High-potassium foods include bananas, cantaloupe, mangoes, spinach, tomatoes, nuts, and asparagus — which contains an amino acid called asparagine that (bonus!) acts as a diuretic to flush excess liquid out of your system.

Keep Your Mouth Shut

Beware of habits that cause you to swallow excess air — like chewing gum, drinking through a straw, smoking, and talking while you're eating.

Limit Sugar Substitutes

Some people have difficulty digesting artificial sweeteners (especially sorbitol, found in many sugar-free candies and gums — making gum doubly bloat-inducing), which can cause gas and diarrhea. If you suspect you're one of them, opt for a bit of real sugar instead. 

Pop a Probiotic

These "good bacteria" (found in supplements and in cultured milk products such as yogurt) can keep you regular and bloat-free. In fact, women with irritable bowel syndrome — characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and/or diarrhea — who took the probiotic strain B. infantis for four weeks noticed less bloating than those on a placebo, one study shows. Check labels for this strain (which can be found in the supplement Align), or find a similar strain in Dannon Activia yogurt.

Prep for PMS

If you tend to swell up before (or during) your period, be sure you're getting enough calcium (1,200 mg a day) and magnesium (200 to 400 mg daily) in your diet; both nutrients have been found to help relieve PMS symptoms such as bloating. You can also pop Midol, which contains two mild diuretics.

Until da next Tyme!