
27 December 2009

The Year is almost at an End!

Hello People!

How are you all doing? I hope that you all had a great Christmas and that you drank, eat and lived a little....... :) 

Well it is almost the end of the year and its time to reflect on what the year has been for us and to face the challenges that the new year will bring.

Whether you set your self tasks to being a better friend, work colleague or a better partner, be true to your self.....

I was sent this today and wanted to share with all my peeps:

As we grow old, we learn that even the person that wasn't supposed to let you down probably will.
You will have your heart brooken probably more than once and its harder everytime.
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when your heart was broken.
You will fight with your best friend.
You will blame a new love for things and old love did.
You'll cry becasue time is passing too fast nd you will eventually lose someone you love .
So take many pictures, laugh a lot, and love like you have never been hurt, because every sixty seconds that you spend upset is a minute of happiness that you will never get back
Dont be afraid that your life will never end , be afraid that it will never begin !!!! 

Until Da next Tyme !

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