
24 March 2010

Perfect the art of Flirting

hello All,

Did you know that 55% of the impression we make depends on our body language, 38% on the tone, speed and inflection of our voice and only 7% from what we are actually saying?
Some of us need to step up our game -  Learn how to flirt – and kiss your single status goodbye.
  1. Avoid a cheesy pick-up line – it falls flat if the person as heard it before; 
  2. Look the person you're flirting with in the eyes, but also include the mouth and even the body; 
  3. Subtly mirror the person's positive behaviour – when she takes a sip of her drink, you take one too (this instinctively makes the person feel that you're on the same level); 
  4. Pay compliments, which don't sound as if you're just trying to score points; 
  5. When in a pub, club or dinner party, meet the person's eye, look down and look up again – this signals interest
  6. Never cross your arms – it sends a message of defensiveness, or stand-offishness; 
  7. Watch those hands – fidgeting is a passion killer.

Until da next Tyme !

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