
30 March 2010

50 Worst Common Job Interview mistakes !

Hello Peeps,

You may have heard the horror stories—job hunters who take phone calls or text during an interview, or bring out a sandwich and start chomping, or brush their hair, or worse. You wouldn’t do any of those things, would you? Of course not.

But there are tons of other job interview no-no’s you may not have thought of.  Or that you’ve forgotten.  The job hunting trail is long and arduous, and a little refresher course can’t hurt.  So for your edification and enjoyment, here are 50 (yes, 50!) of the worst and most common job interview mistakes:
1.   Arriving late.
2.    Arriving too early.
3.    Lighting up a cigarette, or smelling like a cigarette.
4.    Bad-mouthing your last boss.
5.    Lying about your skills/experience/knowledge.
6.    Wearing the wrong (for this workplace!) clothes.
7.    Forgetting the name of the person you’re interviewing with.
8.    Wearing a ton of perfume or aftershave.
9.    Wearing sunglasses.
10.    Wearing a Bluetooth earpiece.
11.    Failing to research the employer in advance.
12.    Failing to demonstrate enthusiasm.
13.    Inquiring about benefits too soon.
14.    Talking about salary requirements too soon.
15.    Being unable to explain how your strengths and abilities apply to the job in question.
16.    Failing to make a strong case for why you are the best person for this job.
17.    Forgetting to bring a copy of your résumé and/or portfolio.
18.    Failing to remember what you wrote on your own résumé.
19.    Asking too many questions.
20.    Asking no questions at all.
21.    Being unprepared to answer the standard questions.
22.    Failing to listen carefully to what the interviewer is saying.
23.    Talking more than half the time.
24.    Interrupting your interviewer.
25.    Neglecting to match the communication style of your interviewer.
26.    Yawning.
27.    Slouching.
28.    Bringing along a friend, or your mother.
29.    Chewing gum, tobacco, your pen, your hair.
30.    Laughing, giggling, whistling, humming, lip-smacking.
31.    Saying “you know,” “like,” “I guess,” and “um.”
32.    Name-dropping or bragging or sounding like a know-it-all.
33.    Asking to use the bathroom.
34.    Being falsely or exaggeratedly modest.
35.    Shaking hands too weakly, or too firmly.
36.    Failing to make eye contact (or making continuous eye contact).
37.    Taking a seat before your interviewer does.
38.    Becoming angry or defensive.
39.    Complaining that you were kept waiting.
40.    Complaining about anything!
41.    Speaking rudely to the receptionist.
42.    Letting your nervousness show.
43.    Overexplaining why you lost your last job.
44.    Being too familiar and jokey.
45.    Sounding desperate.
46.    Checking the time.
47.    Oversharing.
48.    Sounding rehearsed.
49.    Leaving your cell phone on.
50.    Failing to ask for the job.

Until da next Tyme!

29 March 2010

7 things a boss should never say !

hello Peeps, 
Last week, I listed seven things employees should never say to bosses.I believe that a few bosses out there could also benefit from a review of the basics of good workplace relations--not to mention a quickie refresher of what constitutes good leadership.
So, bosses, are you listening? Here are seven things you, as a boss, should never say to your employees:
1. "I pay your salary. You have to do what I say." Have you not heard? It's the 21st century. Threats and power plays just do not cut it anymore (and they were always a terrible way to manage). Yes, you pay people's salaries but that doesn't mean you're their lord and master. You are their leader, however. Leaders lead by inspiring, teaching, encouraging, and, yes, serving their employees. Good leaders never need to threaten. So keep your word, set a good example, praise in public, criticize in private, respect your employees' capabilities, give credit where credit is due, learn to delegate, and when you ask for feedback don't forget to respond to it. (Another sentence to be avoided: "Do what I say, not what I do.")
2. "I don't want to listen to your complaints." Hey, boss, you have this backwards. You do want to listen to employees' complaints. That's part of your job. You should be actively seeking feedback, even negative feedback. It may be annoying, even painful, but that's why you get the big bucks. Complaints point to where your processes and practices need improvement. And even if a problem absolutely can't be helped, allowing your employees to vent can go a long way toward restoring morale and building loyalty.
3. "I was here on Saturday afternoon. Where were you?" This kind of "subtle" pressure to work 24/7 is a good way to burn out your employees. You won't get that much more productivity out of them, and you will destroy morale. You may choose to work seven days a week. That's your call. But your employees shouldn't have to. If you observe that they are working way more than their job descriptions call for, consider that maybe it's because you're overloading them. Look for ways to fix this problem.
4. "Isn't your performance review coming up soon?" Maybe you're trying to motivate an employee to do a better job. Maybe this is just a ham-handed way to remind underlings of who has the power. Who knows. Either way, a statement like this is not only tacky and passive-aggressive, it's ineffective. If you really want to motivate people, consider giving them a stake in the success of your enterprise. Show employees you value them. Let them know what they have to gain by doing a good job. The results may surprise you.
5. "We've always done it this way." Want to crush your employees' initiative? This is a good way. News flash: Your employees may actually have a pretty good idea of how to do their jobs. Maybe they know even more than you. Your job as boss is to encourage them to have the energy and motivation to be innovative. In fact, employees who come up with better ways to do things should be celebrated and rewarded. (Hint: Cash is nice.)
6. "We need to cut costs" (at the same time you are, say, redecorating your office). Nothing breeds resentment more than asking employees to tighten their belts while you, to their eyes, are living it up. Even if the office redecoration can be totally justified in business terms, or the budget for it was a gift from your uncle, it still looks hypocritical and is demoralizing. Being sensitive to other people's feelings is good karma. Leading by example is the best way to lead.
7. "You should work better." Managers need to communication expectations clearly, to give employees the tools they need to do a good job, to set reasonable deadlines, and to offer help if needed. When giving instructions, ask if they understand your instructions. Don't assume. You may not be the stellar communicator you think you are. If your employees are making mistakes, or not performing up to par, consider that maybe it's because you're giving them vague instructions like "you should work better."
The bottom line is that in the workplace respect, a little tact, and a good attitude go both ways.
Until da next Tyme!

26 March 2010

Learning how to Fantasise !!

Hello Peeps
Over the next few coming weeks I have decided to blog about Sexual health, our bodies and relationship. I have learned from my time in the UK that the British seems to be shy in going forward when it comes to Sex 
Many of us tend too feel shy about having sexual fantasies, or even guilty. But the experts say that a vibrant fantasy life is an important element of healthy sexuality, and should be encouraged in people who’ve suppressed it or simply haven’t had many fantasies before.
Some people complain that they ‘have no imagination’, but in fact that’s not true. If you’ve ever thought about what you’d like for lunch, or pictured a dream holiday destination, then you’ve used your imagination. Similarly, if you’ve ever looked forward to sex, or wondered what a favourite film star looked like naked, then you’ve had a sexual fantasy. So the basics are there for everyone. But if you’d like to make your erotic fantasies more elaborate and potent, so that they really add an extra dimension to your sexual experience, then you might need to exercise that mental facility a little. Here are some ideas that might help

Take some time to think about what really turns you on sexually. Don’t stop at physical attributes; think about settings too, whether it’s a passionate clinch before a fire on a rainy night, or outside in a meadow or on the beach. Think about previous sexual encounters, and what aspects made them special, then incorporate those elements into your fantasies and expand on them or make them more exaggerated or vivid. You’re the director of your own movie here, and anything goes. Even better than a movie, you can bring all the senses into play: don’t forget about how the sound of someone’s voice, or certain scents or textures, have erotic power.
If you find you’re a bit lacking in material, then why not tap into other people’s fantasies and select what appeals to you. The most common male fantasies include: having sex with an existing partner, giving and receiving oral sex , having sex with more than one person, being dominant , being passive and submissive, reliving a previous erotic experience, watching others have sex, trying new sexual positions. The most common female fantasies include: having sex with an existing partner, giving and receiving oral sex, having sex with a new partner, romantic or exotic locations, doing something forbidden, being submissive, reliving a previous experience, being found irresistible, trying new sexual positions.
You could also try erotic books, magazines, art and movies for inspiration. Even those that aren’t explicitly erotic may serve to turn you on: some people find sweet old-fashioned love stories do it for them; others get excited by action movies.
Practise fantasizing sexually
A good way to start is on your own with a few simple relaxation exercises. Choose a quiet time when you won’t be disturbed, and relax each part of your body, breathing slowly and deeply. Be aware of each part of your body, especially the erogenous zones. Then start to play the ‘movie’ you’ve been developing in your mind, and see where it takes you. Some people just enjoy running through the fantasy as a relaxation or mild turn-on, others use it together with masturbation.

Practise your newly developed fantasy techniques when you’re sexually intimate with your partner, by merging the real lovemaking with the fantasy. Some couples enjoy sharing their fantasies with each other and sometimes acting on them. If you think this would benefit your relationship, but haven’t tried it before, then suggest it to your partner – just take care to reassure him or her that the reason you wish to try this is not because you desire someone else (e.g. the Brad or J-Lo you’ve cast in your movie) over them, but that you feel it could enhance the existing attraction between the two of you.
If the subject matter of your fantasies makes you feel uncomfortable, remember that thinking something and acting on it really are worlds apart. The great thing about fantasies is that you are free to think, be and feel anything you like, because there are no consequences. But fantasizing should be a positive experience; if you feel as if it’s getting out of control, or the thoughts are becoming intrusive and distressing, then banish them from your mind. Remember: you’re the director of this movie. 
Until da Next Tyme !

25 March 2010

Does Size Matter?

hello peeps
This is an age old question that women has been asked by men all over the world and to date i don't believe that there is sufficient answer 
As art, literature, and folk medicine attest, the desire for a larger penis has been with us for thousands of years. Alas, neither Egyptians, nor Mesopotamians, Romans, Phoenicians, or Victorians discovered a solution. Anyone who’d like more heft in their package but can’t figure out how, is not alone.
A man can shave his pubic hair to create the illusion of a bigger penis. He can have fat injected into his penis, which will make it look bigger for a while. When the fat settles after 4-6 months, however, he’ll have a lumpy penis no larger than he started with. And he can have the ligament holding his penis to his abdomen cut, so more of it dangles down away from his body. Again, this will give the illusion of a bigger penis. But he does have to allow someone to put a sharp scalpel very close to his favourite piece of flesh, with results that are not entirely guaranteed. It’s an illusion that requires a roll of the surgical dice.
The mystery is why the interest in a larger penis endures in men. You’d think there were some long tradition of women throughout history shrieking from the riverbanks, “if only my man were bigger, I’d be happier!” It just isn’t true. Women seem to want many things - more kissing, cuddling, and cunnilingus, among others - but an extra inch here or there is not the dream of most women.
The desire for a bigger penis, I think, is really the desire for other things - relaxation, more confidence, disinhibition, an insight into women, even wisdom. Unlike penis size, those things are actually available. But a man has to be willing to learn a few things about himself and eroticism, and let go of some beliefs, attitudes, misinformation, and, well, a certain unhelpful attitude.
Until da next Tyme ! 

24 March 2010

Perfect the art of Flirting

hello All,

Did you know that 55% of the impression we make depends on our body language, 38% on the tone, speed and inflection of our voice and only 7% from what we are actually saying?
Some of us need to step up our game -  Learn how to flirt – and kiss your single status goodbye.
  1. Avoid a cheesy pick-up line – it falls flat if the person as heard it before; 
  2. Look the person you're flirting with in the eyes, but also include the mouth and even the body; 
  3. Subtly mirror the person's positive behaviour – when she takes a sip of her drink, you take one too (this instinctively makes the person feel that you're on the same level); 
  4. Pay compliments, which don't sound as if you're just trying to score points; 
  5. When in a pub, club or dinner party, meet the person's eye, look down and look up again – this signals interest
  6. Never cross your arms – it sends a message of defensiveness, or stand-offishness; 
  7. Watch those hands – fidgeting is a passion killer.

Until da next Tyme !

23 March 2010

Six top Sex Tips

hello peeps , 

I have been asked to do some research on the following , so let me know what you think?

Has your sex life become predictable and dull? Or do you want to turn a good sex life into a great one? Open communication between sex partners is essential. But it doesn't hurt to have a few extra tips up your sleeve.

  1. Build your relationship – if you have a strong, nurturing relationship, you'll reap the rewards in the bedroom; 
  2. Quickies are great, but for optimum lovemaking, you need to take your time – women need at least 30 minutes to be fully aroused; 
  3. Don't fret – every couple goes through times when they have sex less often;
  4. There are erogenous zones all over your partner's body – get to know them; 
  5. Date your partner – even in long-term relationships, you need to make an effort to spend quality time together; 
  6. If your libido is low, fantasise by focusing on what you find arousing and sensual.

Until da next Tyme!

22 March 2010

Why Men dont talk !

hey peeps,
I had an interesting conversation with a male friend of mine last weekend and it was amazing what I discovered so I wanted to share with you all ...... believe it or not GUYS TALK !
Don't be so shocked - guys do actually talk, and not just about football league. Most women think their man is the strong, silent type (or maybe the oblivious, silent type), and they wonder why he doesn't share his feelings.
But here's the truth: Men do want to open up, about their hopes, their fears, and their passions. Yet put him alone in a room with you, and he often turns into a Sphinx. Why can't he take his eyes off the TV and talk about the state of the relationship, or the finances, or, heck, the backyard landscaping? Why in the world can't he just summarize his day for 10 minutes?
In fact, one in five women say that they typically fight about a man's lack of verbal interaction, and 30 percent of men say their failure to communicate is the source of major conflict in the relationship. Why is it this way?
Here's one answer: Because even men who have feelings to share don't always feel comfortable sharing them with their partner. These are some of the reasons why some men often prefer to zip it, rather than delivering the goods:
Guys Are A Little Intimidated 
No question,  we women are expert communicators. We throw questions like Oprah after her third cup of coffee; were're connecting on all cylinders. And like the divine Ms. W, we  bring a lot of skill to our  game: A special awareness of the people-scape around us  a keen set of emotions keyed to that awareness, and a rich vocabulary we use to talk about anything at anytime.
And we are always practising our  Q&A skills on our  many friends, so we are in top talk mode all the time. Men know this. And they also know that more than one-third of women say that men simply can't relate and don't understand women. The result: Men are afraid of saying too much, because saying the wrong thing may get them into more trouble than Lindsay Lohan as a designated driver.
Guys Need To Decompress 
Woman's view: When a man walks in the door, he ought to cough up some of the details about his day. After all, it's been 10 hours since they've communicated, not counting the two IMs, three voice mails, and one actual mid-day conversation.
Man's view: Can I please make a beeline to the bathroom? When men reach home, it's like those ultra-marathoners staggering across the finish line in Death Valley. The last thing they want to do is discuss how bright the sunlight was, and how scarce the water stops were.
Further up on his want-to-do list after arriving home: 14 percent of men want to check email, 12 percent are looking for a little private time in the bathroom, and 10 percent simply want to eat dinner. The common theme here: After they've spent a day serving the needs of others, they want to take care of themselves a little.
So when a man is hit with a demand for conversation so closely after returning from the stressful environment of work, he has only one gear left to shift into, and sometimes it's reverse. He's retreat, retreat, retreat.
Guys Are More Comfortable With Actions Than Feelings Rather than talking about how he "feels," often a man would rather express his love by changing her oil, or bringing home a flower, or relinquishing control of the remote.
And when men do talk, they'd prefer to talk about actions rather than emotions. For instance, a lot of guys would choose to express their long-range faith in a relationship by talking about next summer's vacation plans, not by launching into a soliloquy about undying love.
Both conversations can mean the same thing (that he plans on sticking around); he just prefers to say it with plane tickets, rather than poetry. It's one of the reasons men are more comfortable talking at work (the practical universe) than they are at home (the castle that emotion built). But you can bring out his great communicator by making him feel more like he's operating in work mode, even when the topic at hand is your love life.  

Guys Don't Want To Be Put On The Spot 
When men talk less and women want more, the scenario can escalate. Like when the bad cop is pummeling the reluctant witness, more silence equals more questions. A full 65 percent of men we surveyed recently told us they don't want their partners to ask them more questions about themselves.
It's clear that some men are just plain tired of feeling like they're on the witness stand. They're not necessarily hiding anything; many guys simply prefer not to have to relate confusing feelings that they may not even understand themselves.
Until da next Tyme !

7 things never to say to your boss!

hey peeps,
Ok I wanted to share my thoughts with you on this one, judging by the stuff some of my colleagues utter!
Everyone has a boss. Even if you "work for yourself," you're still an employee to your client.
A big part of maintaining the boss-employee relationship is to never allow a boss to think you dislike your work, are incapable of doing it, or--worse--consider it beneath you.
These sound like no-brainers, but many statements heard commonly around the workplace violate these basic rules. Looking for an example? Here are seven heard in workplaces all the time. They may seem ordinary, even harmless. But try reading these from your boss's point of view. You'll see right away why it's smart to never allow these seven sentences to pass your lips:
"That's not my job." You know what? A lot of bosses are simple souls who think your job is to do what's asked of you. So even if you're assigned a task that is, indeed, not your job, refrain from saying so. Instead, try to find out why your boss is assigning you this task--there may be a valid reason. If you believe that doing the task is a bad idea (as in, bad for the company) you can try explaining why and suggesting how it could be better done by someone else. This may work, depending on the boss. In any case, remember that doing what's asked of you, even tasks outside your job description, is good karma.
"It's not my problem." When people say something is not their problem it makes them look like they don't care. This does not endear them to anybody, especially the boss. If a problem is brewing and you have nothing constructive to say, it's better to say nothing at all. Even better is to pitch in and try to help. Because, ultimately, a problem in the workplace is everyone's problem. We're all in it together.
"It's not my fault." Yet another four words to be avoided. Human nature is weird. Claiming that something is not our fault often has the result of making people suspect it is. Besides, what's the real issue here? It's that something went wrong and needs to be fixed. That's what people should be thinking about--not who is to blame.
"I can only do one thing at a time." News flash: Complaining you are overworked will not make your boss feel sorry for you or go easier on you. Instead, a boss will think: (1) you resent your job, and/or (2) you aren't up to your job. Everybody, especially nowadays, feels pressured and overworked. If you're trying to be funny, please note that some sarcasm is funny and lightens the mood. Some just ticks people off.
"I am way overqualified for this job." Hey, maybe you are. But the fact is, this is the job you have. You agreed to take it on and, while you may now regret that decision, it's still your job. Complaining that it's beneath you only makes you look bad. Plus, coworkers doing similar jobs may resent and dislike you. And guess what? Bosses will not think, "Oh, this is a superior person whom I need to promote." Nope, they'll think, "What a jerk."
"This job is easy! Anyone could do it!" Maybe what you're trying to convey here is that you're so brilliant your work is easy. Unfortunately, it comes off sounding more like, "This work is stupid." Bosses don't like hearing that any work is stupid. Nor do they really like hearing that a job is easy peasy. It belittles the whole enterprise. If a task is simple, be glad and do it as quickly as you can. Even "stupid" work needs to get done.
"It can't be done." Saying something can't be done is like waving a red flag in a boss's eyes. Even if the thing being suggested truly is impossible, saying it is can make you look ineffectual or incapable. Better to play detective. Why is the boss asking you to do whatever it is? What's the problem that needs to be solved? What's the goal? Search for doable ways of solving that problem or reaching that goal. That's what bosses really want. Most of them do not expect the impossible.
Last words: When in doubt, remember that silence really is golden.
Until da next Tyme!

21 March 2010

Instant Ab Flatteners!

Hi there all,
We all have the dream of achieving a toned, sexy tummy ,and it might seem like a pipe dream this time of year. Baggy sweaters abound,  tea  is served and frosty and windy weather doesn't offer much in the way of flat-belly inspiration. But getting a sleek, sexy stomach is easier than you think. Spend just five minutes a day on toning your abs and you'll get an amazing middle.
We rounded up five of the most effective tummy toners around. Work three or four of these exercises into your routine (easing them in will minimize soreness). Do the number of reps indicated, resting one minute between moves. The only equipment you will need is a hand towel. Washboard abs, here you come!

Pike 90
Lie faceup; raise legs until perpendicular to floor, feet flexed. Lower right leg so it hovers 1 or 2 inches off floor and place hands lightly behind head. In this position, do 15 crunches, lifting chest toward ceiling and lowering. Switch legs and repeat.

Crunchy frogSit with knees bent, feet flat. Keeping legs together, raise feet several inches and bring knees toward chest. Wrap arms around knees without touching legs. Extend legs and stretch arms to sides, palms forward. Return to wrapped-arm position; repeat. Do 15 reps.

Stand with feet hip-width apart, right leg in front of left, right foot turned out. Bend elbows and raise arms out to sides at shoulder level (like goalposts). In one motion, raise right knee to lowered right elbow. Return to start; switch sides and repeat to complete one rep. Do 15 reps.

Lie faceup. Press legs together and raise them toward ceiling until they're at a 90-degree angle, with knees slightly bent and toes pointed. Raise butt and legs off floor using ab muscles; twist legs slightly to left. Repeat, twisting to right, for one rep. Do 15 reps.

Side arm balanceStart on floor on knees. Lean to left and place left hand on floor under shoulder; extend right arm up and to left, palm down. Straighten right legs out to right with foot on floor, resting on left knee. Hold for 5 breaths. Return to start; switch sides. Repeat twice per side. 
Until da next Tyme!

Tips for better Sleep !

hey peeps, 

So spring is almost here and if like millions of other Americans, I often have trouble with insomnia — either I can't fall asleep, or I awake prematurely and am unable to get back to sleep. The following sleep tips, compiled from various sources, may prove helpful to some of my fellow insomniacs.
  • Only use your bed for sleeping or having sex, not for reading, doing paperwork, watching TV, snacking, or making phone calls.
  • If you've been lying in bed but are beginning to fear you're not going to drop off, try some of these techniques: Count sheep or count backwards from 100 (one of my favorites) to stop yourself from thinking about the problems of yesterday or tomorrow; breathe deeply for awhile; or visualize some peaceful place.
  • If you can't get to sleep after lying in bed for 30 minutes or more, get up for awhile. What to do? Try reading something incredibly boring.
  • Develop a bedtime routine.
  • Keep regular bedtime hours.
  • Before bedtime, avoid tobacco and caffeinated beverages (not just coffee, but other drinks like tea, cola, and Dr. Pepper).
  • Avoid alcohol right before bedtime — a nightcap might get your mind fuzzy enough to put you to sleep, but such sleep may be interrupted by periods of awakening. By contrast, the stress-lowering effect of a drink with dinner may help to promote sleep later.
  • Avoid naps 
  • Try to get up at the same time every day rather than sleeping in on weekends.
  • Exercise every day, but not shortly before bedtime since exercise gets the adrenaline going.
  • If you use an illuminated clock for a wakeup alarm, place it where you can't keep looking at it to check the time.
  • Buy a firm mattress and keep your bedroom well ventilated (a cool temperature works best for me).
  • And you might also try some of these: a warm bath, warm milk, light bedtime snack, massage, or quiet music (which turns itself off automatically).
  • Use earplugs for extreme quiet.
  • If you have a painful joint or a headache, take a pain pill before bedtime (but be sure it doesn't contain caffeine).
  • Avoid stimulating reading or television shows late at night.
Until da next Tyme

20 March 2010

Pointers to lift a bad mood !

hey peeps,
Sometimes do you ever just feel in a bad mood...... a feeling that you cant seem to lift No one can live a long and healthy life without the will to go on; sometimes mood swings can make us feel that life is too much for us.
A bad mood not only gives you a gloomy outlook, it also lowers your immune function, leading the way to illness. Here are some suggestions to lift your mood, your spirit, and your health. 

1. A Laughing Matter
"Laugh Therapy," pioneered by Norman Cousins, has turned out to have real substance. Research has discovered that laughter and joy boost immune functions, especially the production of the natural killer cells that help defend the body from illness and cancer.
Laughter also increases the release of endorphins - compounds that give you a sense of well-being  - in your brain. Without a doubt, joyful people liver longer and healthier lives. So read your favorite comics, watch your favorite comedies, and laugh it up!

2. Amino Acid for Restored Mindset
When an imbalance or deficiency is creating a bad mood, the Europeans use supplements of a natural compound found in human cells to regulate mood and restore a healthy mindset. SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is produced from methionine, an amino acid that plays a role in the production of uplifting neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.
One study indicated that SAMe worked on patients who had unsuccessful results with conventional antidepressants. To get a boost from SAMe, take a supplement combining it with vitamins B6 and B12.

3. Hands-On Healing
Human touch increases the production of endorphins, growth hormone, and DHEA, all of which lengthen your life span and lower the negative impact of stress. Studies have found that patients who are regularly touched recover faster than those who are not touched. So give someone a hug and feel both of your moods improve.

4. Boost Your "Youth Hormones"
You don't need pills to flood your body with a rejuvenating flood of growth hormones. Research has found that doing squats and leg presses will greatly increase your natural production of the "youth hormone". Increased growth hormone translates to an elevated mood, among other physical benefits. Keep it up with weight training, knee bends, push-ups, and rowing.

5. Take a Bracing Breath
Breathing correctly is important for dispelling the toxins and wastes from your body; in fact, it is estimated that we expel only about 30 percent of toxins in our bodies through the bowels and bladder-the rest is all respiratory. Breathing is also a great way to clear your mind, boost your energy, and improve your mood. Practice deep, slow, rhythmic, breathing daily with mind-body disciplines such as tai chi, yoga, qigong, and meditation.

6. Smell the Joy
Research has shown that smell has a definite impact on our bodies and minds. When you stimulate the olfactory nerves inside your nose, you activate the limbic system of your brain, which is associated with moods and memory. This concept is instrumental to aromatherapy, a natural  health tradition that makes use of the healing powers of plants with strong scents.
Aromatherapy recommends treating depression with jasmine, eucalyptus for exhilaration, and grapefruit to increase alertness and joy. Just put a dab of the essential oils from these plants on your temples, back of your neck, or acupressure points. Another option? Boil the herb in water and inhale the steam through your nose. 

7. Feel Fine with Flowers
There is a reason that flowers are the traditional get-well gesture. Colorful flowers have a powerful influence on moods; they can uplift a patient's mood and even combat stress. One study found that during a five-minute typing assignment, people sitting next to a flowering bouquet were more relaxed than those who sat near foliage-only plants. 
Until da next Tyme!

19 March 2010

Weight loss tricks !

Hey peeps, 

I have been off the grid for a while but wanted to touch on a familiar topic that haunts us .... especially the ladies.Just  few things that may help, let me now if they work for you 

The advice for losing those stubborn extra pounds seems so simple: Eat less, and exercise more . But as anyone who's ever tried to lose a few pounds knows, putting that advice into practice is very tough. Cut back on calories too much, and you're overwhelmed by hunger and your metabolism may slow. Exercise like crazy, and the hunger pangs you feel a few hours later may trigger you to eat back all you've burned off-and then some.

1. Eat hot soup before a meal. Research suggests doing so before lunch or dinner helps people eat less. "That's probably because you can't eat hot soups fast, which gives your digestive tract time to send satiety signals out to your brain" before you begin the next course, says Fugh-Berman. She recommends eating a soup that is not cream based to save on fat and calories.
2. Don't eat heavily just before bed. Sure we've all heard the credo that body weight is all about calories in, calories out, but it turns out it may also matter when you eat. Fugh-Berman says she has seen preliminary research suggesting that taking in sweet, high-fat foods (ice cream, anyone?) right before bedtime appears to decrease calorie burning and increase fat storage during sleep. "Consuming that same snack earlier in the day doesn't appear to have the same effect," she says.
3. Live like a city dweller. People who live in cities weigh less than those who live in the suburbs probably because of "incidental walking " says Fugh-Berman. "Those few blocks that you walk to grab lunch or run an errand really do add up," she says. Plus, the daily activity is incorporated into your life so it doesn't feel like exercise. It's easy to do and not like a workout that you can skip or quit altogether. Don't live or work in a city? You can mimic the effect by parking a few blocks away from the drugstore, dry cleaner, or post office. Fugh-Berman says she has a slim friend whose only exercise is using the stairs instead of the elevator to get to his office on the ninth floor. Going up and down once or twice a day gives him a fairly good calorie burn.
4. Try a dash of chili pepper. If you can stomach it, try a chili-laced appetizer right before your meal. It "appears to have appetite suppressant activity," says Fugh-Berman. "One study found that those who ate a chili-pepper-spiced food right before their meal ate less at the meal." Mix a teaspoonful of chopped chili pepper into mashed avocado, or sprinkle ¼ teaspoon of chili powder into chopped tomatoes for a predinner dip.
5. Limit caloric beverages. Drink 260 calories in a Starbucks grande caffè mocha (or a smoothie, or any other sweetened beverage) before lunch, and you'll still eat the same number of calories at your meal. But eat a bagel or handful of jellybeans containing 260 calories, and you'll actually consume less at lunch, according to one study. It's not clear whether our stomachs actually feel fuller from solid food or whether we trick ourselves into thinking that we haven't actually "eaten" if we're drinking calories rather than chewing them, says Fugh-Berman.
6. Weigh yourself once a day. This certainly helps me maintain my weight because I make a point to cut back on snacks if I've gained a little. And research backs me up. A 2006 study from Cornell University found that college freshmen instructed to weigh themselves every morning gained almost no weight during the school year compared with a 7-pound gain for those who weren't given a scale. Though I'm not sure how much the scale helps me personally. I find that every time I've lost a few pounds, I give myself a little permission to indulge-and the pounds come right back on.
Until da next Tyme!

10 March 2010

Big Oil behind the Haiti Quake !

Hey peeps,

Its been a while since I blogged, but things has been pretty hectic for me in the last few weeks.

Ok so a friend sent me this article and its worth reading and thinking about...... let me have your thoughts.....

Did American petroleum companies murder hundreds of thousands of Haitians while extracting oil from their shores?
In an exclusive Jan. 28 interview, social commentator and human rights attorney Ezili Danto believes “hydraulic fracturing” caused by drillers searching for oil may have caused the Jan. 12 earthquake.
Yes, oil is Haiti’s smoking gun. Why do you think 20,000 American troops now occupy and control this impoverished nation? On Jan. 28, 2009, geologist Daniel Mathurin revealed, “Haiti’s oil reserves are larger than those of Venezuela.
An Olympic pool compared to a glass of water is the comparison.”Indeed, Haiti may have 20 times more oil than Venezuela. Daniel and Ginette Mathurin mapped 20 oil sites (five of them major), and, oddly enough, the quake’s epicenter occurred in the exact same area where the Port-au-Prince resources exist.
Imagine, one of the largest caches of oil in the Western Hemisphere, and now over a million residents are displaced or deceased.In a Jan. 26 commentary, Pastor Chuck Baldwin asked, “Why was an earthquake of this magnitude not felt beyond Port-au-Prince?” He continues, “People living in the adjoining country of Dominican Republic universally say they felt nothing.”

He concludes, “It is being called ‘miraculous’ that an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale did notproduce a colossal tsunami.”Ms. Danto also found the localized destruction very suspicious.  “Port-au-Prince hasn’t had an earthquake since 1771,” she said. “What we’re seeing is similar to Hurricane Katrina.
Look at how many people never returned to where they originally lived. Perhaps the oil cartels needed to get rid of certain people near the coastline where they wanted it cleared.
If Haiti were a piece of dirt with just black people and no oil or minerals, they would have left us alone. We wouldn’t see all the investment money and troops; nor would the U.S. have built the fifth largest embassy in the world in this tiny little country.”To whom specifically is she referring? U.S. companies have known since 1908 that Haiti teemed with oil reserves.
In the 1950s and 1960s, two different contractors were bought off to not develop these sites. CIA files also show that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) verified contracts in 1962 regarding these possible oil reserve sites. Ms. Danto explores the economic ramifications of this situation: “Oil companies in the 1960s and 1970s didn’t want to add more supply to the market and allow prices to plummet,” she said. “So, they locked down these deposits and kept them in reserve until the 21st century when Middle Eastern reserves began waning.
For the past 50 years, Haiti has been called the Western Hemisphere’s poorest country. Oil profits could have vastly changed the lives of these people. Now we’re being fleeced, and our resources are being stolen.

Haiti has always been a dumping ground, including the theft of our forests and minerals.”In mining Haiti’s riches, Ms. Danto recounts, “There were areas in Haiti hidden behind UN guns, fenced off where Haitians knew nothing about what these soldiers were doing,” she said. “There were barricades around Port-au-Prince, and we couldn’t see what the UN soldiers were doing.
 This activity started after the Bush-led coup d’�tat in 2004. The areas blocked off were the same places where experts said oil reserves existed.”To illustrate the abundance of this natural resource, Dr. Georges Michel wrote on March 27, 2004, “In 1975 we bathed in the waters of Les Cayes and noticed that our feet were covered by a sort of black oil seeping from the seabed.

”An even more interesting point is Ms. Danto’s revelation that a series of minor “earthquakes” registering near 2.0 on the Richter scale have been occurring for the past couple of years. A geologist also informed her that the 7.0 earthquake took place six miles below where oil companies were drilling.
Also curious is a Jan. 15 statement by Bob Brewin, a military-technology writer and editor at the popular web site Next Brewin said that one day prior to the earthquake, Jean Demay of the Defense Information Systems Agency visited the U.S. Southern Command in Miami, where U.S. forces were conducting exercises on how to deal with a major earthquake in Haiti.
Indeed, one day later this catastrophe transpired. As the U.S. military now controls Port-au-Prince, are U.S. government efforts to rebuild their infrastructure simply a ruse to grab Haiti’s oil?
Ms. Danto answers this question very adroitly. “Most of Haiti’s major deep water ports have been privatized since the Bush 2004 regime change in Haiti.” She then noted in 2009, “If there are substantial oil and gas reserves in Haiti, the U.S.-Euro genocide and crimes against the Haitian population has not begun.”

Until da next tyme !