
12 August 2010

Cross Dressing

Hey y'all

So following with the theme, today's topic is Cross Dressing ....

Yes men are renowned for it and some of us even turn up our noses if we discover someone that we know who indulges in it.Cross-dressing, documented throughout history around the globe, is a well-known erotic activity. Done occasionally for fun or variety, it’s an offbeat variation. Some men do it alone; some couples play with it together.

But some men can’t get excited without cross-dressing; others can get excited, but don’t feel really satisfied unless it’s part of sex. That’s when therapists describe it as a fetish. A fetish is an eroticised object (or, depending on your point of view, body part) whose use is crucial to a person’s sexual function. Unlike a vibrator, which is valued because it provides direct physical stimulation, a fetish provides psychological stimulation.

Often, just the sight of a fetish object - say a muddy shoe - provides the erotic jolt. If the fetishised object does provide physical stimulation - say, using a glove to stroke the penis - the physical stroking may be enjoyable, but the identical stroking from, say, a napkin won’t provide nearly the same charge. For the fetishist, in a sense, the idea of being stroked by a glove is more important than the feeling of being stroked by a glove.

Until da next Tyme !

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