
31 August 2010

Three days to go !

Hey peeps ,


Yes the time is almost here , in 3 days I will be leaving in a jet plane :) to Las Vegas !

In this case I know when I will be back and where I am going afterwards.

I am finally hitting that wonderful age of 40, now most women cringe at the mere mention of their age, but I embrace it, I don't look my age or the same as some of my peers of the same age......

I live my life without the thought of what age can do to me, as I find the more that I think about it the older I look.

So ladies, whether you are, 30, 35, 40, 45 or 50, or any in betweens, live life to the fullest, don't worry about what YOU should look like for your age, after all its just a number :)

Until da next Tyme!

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