
3 August 2010

Dating Sites...#4

Ok peeps,

I know that you have all been waited with bated breath , for the next instalment. so without further ado.

So you have signed up to the site and you are getting some hits, you have followed the rules and ask questions, but something doesn't seem right.

 A few of the following might happen: - 

  1. You are contacted by someone with the lyrics  that they love your profile and profess how they are looking for that wonderful relationship .... etc 
  2. They hit you up, but after 2 or 3 mails they send you their private details and ask you to contact them by their email - 9/10 times is a yahoo address  :) 
  3. If you chose to contact them that way, you may request a cam view so you know who you are talking to.
  4. This will be shielded with excuses , either the camera is broken or they don't have a camera on their machine... flag #1
  5. Whilst talking with them in the first email they send you, it will contain their life story  ....flag#2
  6. If you are abroad, be very aware when all of a sudden they are travelling to a nearby country of where you live .... flag #3
  7. You continue to ask them questions about their work , they seem evasive .....flag#4
  8. Within a week they will request your number so that they can call you
  9. They will call , but just to check the number is legit .... so humour them as this is part of the scam.
  10. You have added them to your messenger list, but they are always invisible, when queried, it because they only want to talk with you ... flag #5
Ladies, if a person is putting themselves out there on a dating website, they must have the right tools, pitiful excuses such as I  don't have a cam or its not working is BS, and as soon as you get that excuse , get out as it will only be  time waster !

Until da next Tyme!

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