
11 August 2010

Do's & Don'ts for Lower Blood Pressure !

Hey what's up all,

While you can't do anything to  your genes or age, you can change your future with a few heart-friendly lifestyle choices. All it takes is a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle to help lower your blood pressure.

Start by trying to incorporate these do's and don'ts. Be sure to always work with your doctor to help control your blood pressure, and to take medications that have been prescribed to you.
Blood Pressure Do's
  • DO reduce your sodium intake. Too much sodium can increase your blood pressure. Ideally, you should consume less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day.
  • DO eat more potassium-rich foods. Potassium helps regulate body fluids and blood pressure. Most adults need 4,700 milligrams each day, but people with hypertension should try to consume even more--up to 6,000 milligrams daily.
  • DO eat more calcium-rich foods. Some research shows that calcium deficiencies can increase blood pressure. Aim for at least 1,200 milligrams each day.
  • DO track your magnesium intake. This mineral helps control blood pressure. Women need over 320 milligrams each day, while men need more--over 420 milligrams.
  • DO eat more nutrient-rich, whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, beans and legumes, lean meats and low-fat dairy products.
Blood Pressure Don'ts
  • DON'T smoke. It increases your blood pressure and damages your heart.
  • DON'T make exercise excuses. Increases in overall physical activity, even in small bouts, will help you improve your numbers.
DON'T forget to your numbers. Healthy individuals should get their blood pressure tested at least once every two years, but people with hypertension should do this more frequently. Continue to visit your health care provider for regular check-ups and medical advice.

Until da next Tyme !