
12 July 2010

Getting into Shape !!!

Hi there peeps,

Its been a while, but I am back and raring to go.

So for the most party I have been tweeting away that I am heading to Vegas for my big 40 birthday..... well this weekend I was trying on some dresses/ outfits in preparation and behold, I have the dreaded hanging over the belt stomach............

This is so not sexy and heading for Vegas even though it don't matter to me , its all about getting into that one dress for my birthday, looking and feeling  good.

So with that in mind ... out comes the healthy eating and exercise plan for the next 6 weeks  :)

I will be giving you all regular updates as to how I am doing , and you are all welcome to join me as well as some useful health tips.

My goal is to lose 15pounds by August 23rd, by exercising, and  low carb diet, without the complex carbs.

So if you are with me .....holla

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