
18 July 2010

Things to Eat !

Hello peeps,

Firstly, thank you for all the support that you guys have emailed me to encourage me with my diet.

However one or two of you are having some trouble with things to eat, so I will let you know what I eat roughly on a daily basis.

To my followers/ supporters  in Italy and New Zealand  .... this will be harder for you, but there are ways around it so just copy it from what I eat , I am sure you can find similar or substitutes


  • oats porridge
  • fruits with yoghurt 
  • tea or juice
Whilst travelling to work  ( with my Ipod in my ear) on the bus I am drinking water , or finishing the yoghurt from the fruit in the morning 

  • apples or whatever fruit is in my office - I avoid grapefruit... too bitter :) 
  • normally salad with chicken or anything with salad ( jerk chicken with salad is my favourite)You can eat at much salad as you want as in a few hours you will be hungry again.
Afternoon snack
  • a few peanuts with more fruits and lots of water 
  • vegetables
  • meat or fish 
  • glass of juice
  • fruit yoghurt 
Now that is a typical day for me, and because I have the amenities at work I can cook a full blown lunch in the microwave or heat food brought from home.

The trick here is food preparation have an idea of what you want and mentally prepare it, cooked meats can be eaten with anything so if your office doesn't have facilities to warm food , cold chicken with salad is good, or spice up your salad.

I have a girlfriend that makes a mean salad that you can eat it on its own and still feel full.... I mean there is everything in there from fruits to cheese and it tastes WICKED !!!!!

"Motto is eat less more often" it works :)

Until da next Tyme!

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