
28 July 2010

Dating Sites ....#3

Hey Peeps,

So following my previous blogs, about dating sites I  wanted to keep you updated and what to look for and what to avoid.

Ok ladies, it doesn't matter which site you choose they all have scammers so beware . I have catergorize some of the sites in how I believe they are viewed:
  • The VIP Elite sites- they basically have the look good people who say the right things, but they act stoosh  like their sh*t don't stink , but they are the look good crew ....
  • There is the medium class - they are a mixture of the look good crew, mixed with the working class and they are serious enough about finding a partner 
  • The Lower class is the one that you will get more hits from, these will be the ones that you will find honest hard working guys, but they are riddled with scammers :(
Now the first rule is ASK questions - at some point if they are real they will have nothing to hide, also make sure that the image that they show on the site is the image of the person you are talking with as they like to use   other people image, so ask for a web cam !

If your spirit is not feeling the person, just tell them, you are not married to them so don't feel obligated ! 

If it sounds too good to be true..... then it ain't true !

Until da next Tyme !

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