
21 January 2011

My feel great Moments!

Hi all,

Do you find that there are just somethings that you do that will bring a smile and a feeling of comfort!

I love those moments, so I thought I would share mine with you. They are in no particular order!

1. Getting into a freshly made bed!

2. Finding money in an item of clothing or an old bag :)

3. Being wrapped up in bed when there is a storm outside

4. Stepping on to a plane :)

5. Sitting in front a real warm fire when its cold outside.

6. Shopping online comfort of your own home.

7. Making a loved oned smile.

8. Finding that item you have been hoping to buy on sale.

9.Meeting someone special at the airport :)

10. Enjoying the solitude of your own thoughts after listening to others all day.

Until da next Tyme !

" The Travel Queen"

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