
11 January 2011

How to get a flight upgrade

Hey there peeps,

Its almost that time again, where I will be jetting off to sunnier climates, but I am constantly asked how do I get an upgrade whilst travelling, I have blogged about this before, but here is a refresher course :)

It can be very hit and miss, it all depends, but I have found the following below helps, and if you are travelling alone its a definite plus.... as they are more likely to offer a single traveller rather than a couple or a group

Dress correctly

Make sure you look respectable for your flight. This doesn’t mean you have to turn up in a suit and tie, but if you are wearing jeans and a scruffy T-shirt, this isn’t likely to do you any favours.

Use special occasions to your advantage

If you’re off on your honeymoon, or it’s a special birthday, casually drop this into the conversation at the check-in desk. Even if you don’t get an upgrade, you might still get a glass of champagne. Of course, the downside to this is that if you’re checking in online, there are fewer opportunities to do this.

Join the club

If you join a frequent flyer scheme and regularly collect points or airmiles, you’ll show how loyal you are to the airline. And this may mean you get an upgrade. This is even more likely if you can get the top level of membership.

Check in at the right time

If you’re checking in at the airport, rather than online, leaving it as late as possible might be the key to an upgrade. If you’re on a busy flight and there are no economy seats left, you may be lucky enough to be moved into business or first class. Alternatively, you may be asked to wait for a later flight and you’ll then be upgraded as compensation. That said, this strategy can backfire and you may be left with the worst seats on the flight!

Just ask!

Finally, you could of course simply ask for an upgrade. However, if you are going to do this, don’t be demanding and don’t shout it out so that everyone else can hear. Airline staff get tired of people asking for upgrades, so don’t assume that just because you’ve asked, you’ll get what you want.

Until da next Tyme !

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