
11 March 2011


Hi there all,

I woke this morning to the news that Japan had a 8.8 magnitude earthquake which resulted in a huge tsunami now engulfing the country.

Even though the japanese people are aware that this a natural thing to happen due to the area they reside in and they have experienced it previously, seeing it unfolding is horrific, judging from the images I saw this morning on the news.

This is yet another natural disaster that the world is experiencing more often than we have in the last 10 years.

Whatever we are doing to mother earth she is talking to us.....maybe we should take time to listen!

My thoughts go out to the people of japan today and I hope it doesn't spread as far as Hawaii as predicted.

I often wonder how I would react if I had to deal with a natural disaster that affects me personally.... I suppose as with everything else in life, you just deal with and carry on living !
Until da next Tyme !

" The Travel Queen"

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