
6 February 2011

Heading Home!

Hi there all,

Following my trip to Sharm last sunday, its now time to head home.

Egypt over the last 13 days has made a mark in its own history , the people found their voice , and they are still exercising that voice.

I for one commend them for finally standing up for themselves, you can only suffer for so long!

The last 13 days has proven one thing to the Egyptians in Sharm, and this was reiterated by an Egyptian at the airport.

The only country that has been supporting them by still traveling here for holidays are the British!

As I stand in the Check In halls at terminal 2, of the 6 flights checking in to depart, they are all british!

So, a lot can be said about the british, some things are worse than others, but when it get down to it, they normally will stick with you, especially if sun and cheap drink is thrown in :)

My visit this time was to relax and catch up with a few friends here, it was good to touch base with Amr, thanks as always, I am glad I discovered you all those years ago.....since 2007 wow!

George, you didn't let me down, my finger is sparkling, Andrea, thank you, great to see ya, my nails are sexy as only you know how to do.( Any ladies heading to Sharm and need sexy nails hit me up....this chick is awesome)

Sayed as always its enlightening and I thank you!

Suzanne, congratulations to you and Mo,I am happy that you are happy! Life is short so grabbing your happiness now is all that counts. Ahmed she will be staying for a while longer :)

Egypt is ever changing and it will always hold a special part in my heart, I am glad I was able to experience this change in their history, and it will only get better.

Egypt will see me again, not sure when, but when it does I won't be staying at the Ritz Carlton....but that is another blog to be written !

Until da next Tyme !

" The Travel Queen"

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