
1 February 2011

Egypt update

Hello peeps,

As most of you know I made the trip to Sharm el Sheikh on sunday.

Rest assured I am safe, however I can see a very dire situation unfolding, not directly interms of my safety, but more to do with the day to day running of a city - whose main income is tourism!

Firstly, no supplies are getting through from Cairo, so that means, no petrol, no bread, no fresh vegetables, no beer etc, to top that all the country has no internet, that creates an even bigger issue, no card payments are accepted, no ATMs are working, the banks has no money to fill them, so no workers are being paid, so you can imagine how that will work out!!!

There may not be any violence in Sharm, but the fallout from Cairo is affecting trade and life here!

The next few days will be interesting :)

Until da next Tyme !

" The Travel Queen"

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