
11 June 2010

Maths Wizard wins Junior Apprentice !

Hello Peeps,

I read this story this morning and I had to share..... its so good to see positivity in our young people insted of the negative stuff we hear, guns, knives etc.

I am not a lover of reality TV, but in this instance I will make and exception

Maths wizard Arjun Rajyagor has been crowned Lord Sugar's first Junior Apprentice, bagging a £25,000 "pocket money" fund to launch his business career.

The last task on the BBC1 show saw the teens create and market a brand of bottled water.

Lord Sugar heaped praise on Arjun, from Essex, declaring: "Arjun has that natural business flair combined with intelligence that some people are born with - you can't learn it.

"I know that Arjun is going to become the best at whatever he wants to do and I will be here for support all the way."
Arjun has received a conditional offer to study Engineering Science at Oxford University and aspires to become his own boss of an electrical engineering company.

He described his win as "mind-blowing" and his time on the show as "the most amazing experience of my life".
The £25,000 prize will be controlled by Lord Sugar and will be carefully handed out when brainbox Arjun wants to take on a suitable venture.
Lord Sugar added: "I was so impressed with all of the candidates - they were outstanding for their age - but there had to be just one winner, and Arjun has done himself and his family proud."

Arjun said: "It's been an amazing opportunity and I can't believe I'm the first Junior Apprentice. It's absolutely mind-blowing and it hasn't even set in yet."

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