
3 February 2010

Sleep Stealer's!

hey y'all

Getting a good night's sleep can affect your everyday life, your long-term health, and even your relationships. So why are so many of us sleeping poorly? I know that it takes me a while to get to sleep and I cant sleep on a empty stomach. 

Our busy lifestyles often lead us to fewer hours of regenerative sleep. There are many factors that may be robbing you of the 
qualitysleep you need.

Health and sleep:
Your health can influence the quality of your sleep. Sleep can impact your health and wellness, ability to fight disease, heal and grow.

Stress is a fact of life. Unfortunately, stress-induced sleeplessness is also a fact of life for 65 percent of Americans and more recently the British as studies show.

Disruptive bedroom environment:
Sleep experts agree that we need quiet, darkness, cool room temperatures and general comfort to get plenty of Z's.

Inconsistent sleep schedule:
Many factors, including environmental and social, affect our ability to achieve a consistent sleep schedule. What can create a more consistent schedule for you?

Stimulating activities:
Several activities, such as exercise, can make one feel more energetic or mentally alert. If these activities are done too close to bedtime, one may find it difficult to get to sleep.

Poor sleep diet:
Eating close to bedtime can cause discomfort while falling asleep. Alcohol, caffeine and spicy food can also affect how easy (or not) it is to fall asleep and stay asleep at night.

Partners, kids and pets are great company, but can interfere with our ability to sleep. Find out who and what could be disturbing your sleep and what you can do to improve your bedroom environment.

Until da next tyme!

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