
8 February 2010

Love Letters!!

Hey there all,

With Valentines just around the corner ... a day which I feel is not necessary, but money spinners do !
We seem to have lost our ways with the art of writing what we feel in a  good old love letter......

Thanks to the convenience of e-mail, you don't have to be Casanova to send a memorable love letter that will make someone's day. With the recent trend of love letters going digital, these five simple tips will have you well on your way to sending a memorable e-mail love note that your significant other will cherish for years to come.
1. Set the mood: Find a quiet place and a dedicated time to write your love letter. Be sure to minimize distractions so you can focus your thoughts on your loved one and put your emotions into words.
2. Be your most romantic self: A well-written love letter should make your beloved fall more in love with you, so think personal. Focus on the other person and express your emotions, dreams and vulnerability. Never be negative, but try to avoid being too funny. A love letter shares deep and often difficult-to-express feelings and should always sound like it comes from you.
3. Be specific and sincere: Highlight unique quirks or characteristics you love about the person, recall special memories you've shared, or write about the reasons why you fell in love with him or her in the first place. Don't be too casual and don't be afraid to let your true feelings show.
4. Spice up the presentation: Try adding color, special photos of the two of you or graphics. Using e-mail features like Hotmail Quick Add, you can easily search for and add images without leaving your inbox. If your relationship is long distance, or if you're looking to add some more creativity to your letter, you can make and edit a short movie of yourself, a recent trip, or a favorite outdoor spot using free movie-making programs like Windows Live Movie Maker, available at
5. Double-check details before hitting "send": Don't let writing errors distract from the meaning of your words. Read over your letter to make sure it conveys what you really mean and check for spelling and grammar errors. Most importantly, before sending an e-mail love letter, double-check that the "to" line is correct - 1 out of 10 people surveyed have sent love letters to the wrong person by mistake! 

Until da next tyme!

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