
22 November 2009

Getting the Christmas Feeling !

Whasssssup peeps !

Yep is that time again! CHRISTMAS is almost here and we have 32 shopping days to Christmas and 23 sleeps to when i head off again .... yeah!

OK so what has been happening in my life the last week .

I headed out to Rotterdam to hang with my friend Jaydine, had a blast for a few days.

In that time , I heard that London was off the hook, wouldn't you know the weekend that I was away we get invaded by, Mariah Carey,Beyonce, Rhianna, JayZ, just to name a! London still has it then :)

So I am finally gonna admit it, I am a twitter chick.... yes I swear I am gonna walk into a lamp post as I am always walking head down typing away on my crackberry.... this is wrong I know, buts its fun!......

So between now and when I leave , I will be sending you all sort of christmassy stuff, ranging from Christmas recipes, bargains, deals, gift and ideas...... why you may ask, good question :)

This time of the year is stressful enough for most people, I personally jump on a plane and avoid it all, but for most that are not as lucky , facing it here can be stressful, so hopefully my tips and ideas may make a difference, no matter how small.

Until da next Tyme

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