
4 November 2009

Back on the Road again !

hey y'all

So whats good? How has your week been? Mine has been hectic as usual, but I am slowing getting through it. I have been meaning to blog this since last week... but time is so short!

There are few things I wanna get off my chest this week, some are political and some are just pure NONSENSE but still needs to be said :)

so I am gonna adddress the NONSENSE!


Can someone tell me what the hell is going on??? JEDWARD? are you serious?

Over the last few weeks like most of the UK I have been slightly entertained by the goings on of this show; with the wardrobe malfunctions - Whitney Houston, the lack of talent - John and Edward and the judges bitchiness and lack of foresight etc.

However I have tolerated this all to an extent as I thought that the public would see though this farce and in the end even though this show is no longer about talent , but more about money, they would do the right thing..... boy was I wrong :(

The fact that Rachel was voted from the show - because Simon was an A$$ and his lack of ownership and took the cowards way out , but somewhere in the UK a bunch of over zealous teenage girls are voting for these complete MORONS and making even more of a mockery of the UK music scene.

I know in this game there has to be a cheese factor and yes maybe Rachel is not wooing the audience, but you cannot deny that she has talent far more than those two wannabe AHA twins, who seem to have only just learnt the art of having a conversation with out acting a fool.

My godson Izaiah sing far better than they do ... KMT!

So with that I have banned the XCRAPTOR from my Saturday night viewing!!!

Anyway I am looking forward to my weekend as I am once again back in travelling mode, I am gonna be heading off to Holland for few days next week to hang with my boy Jaydine, and then back in Egypt on a working holiday for 4 weeks ...... :)

Until da next tyme!

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