
18 September 2010

My Trip To Vegas ..... #1

Hi there all,

I have returned and there is so much to tell you all  that one blog will not be enough, so over the next few days I will fill you in on whats good in Vegas and what to try :)

Preparing for the Trip
  • Ok so Virgin is the only airline that does a half decent service to Vegas non stop
  • Pay the extra £30 to get the extra leg room as trust me it s a 9.5 hour flight and you will appreciate it, unless you can afford to upgrade :)
  • Pack only one case and pack light items that can be matched with other items as you are only allowed 23Kg if you fly economy
  • Las Vegas is not a dressy kinda place, unless you choose to , so it upto you as an individual!
  • Wear something light and layered so you can take off or put on during the flight
  • When you arrive - depending on the time of year  - the heat will be the first thing that you experience, so have plenty of water, the airport is prettuy basic so there is no need to dwaddle.
  • Check in yor hotel and head out immedaitley especially if you arrive inthe afternoon.
  • Most hotels on the strip will have you in Awe! so take your time to take it in, dont rush around as with jetlag and the heat you will burn out quickly
  • Head to Dennys on the strip and stock up on food, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner you can get anything you want at Dennys !
Until da next Tyme !

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