
10 May 2010

State of the UK

hello peeps,

For those that follow me on twitter I have been very vocal with my thoughts on the run up to the Election and what it means for the UK.

Unfortunately now that we have had the election we are no better off than we were, as now we have no Prime Minister as the people of Britain has decided unanimously that they don't trust no one party to run the UK.

They are looking for change but don't have faith in one party to do the job?

So what does that mean for the UK?

Well it seems that the one man that may be the king maker in all this is the Liberal Democratic Leader Nick Clegg.... the one guy that made this election a 3 party race.

Currently I am not sure which way he is veering towards as he seems to be talking to both parties for some sort of coalition, so only time will tell what is in store for the UK.

Whatever that is, I can see that Britain is on a downward spiral which will either make or break it as a country 

Until Da Next Tyme !

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